
Active Member
Hello all
Second test flight on 557GB yesterday and am really enjoying the great responsiveness of the plane. And either this is the easiest plane to land ever built or I have become ace of the base.
I am following the EAA test flight program and #3 calls for flap deployment. I have a VPX pro/G3X touch with the Steinair flap toggle on the panel. I have flaps calibrated for half and full flaps through the VPX. Works a treat on the ground and deployed perfectly in flight, retracted from the half position no problem but required multiple, 25-30, up movements of the toggle to get them to retract from the full position. Back on the ground everything works fine. I took the center flap mechanism cover off and everything looks good, including the flap position indicator.
Any ideas appreciated.
Greg Beckner
This may/may not help you - I?d change the flaps mode to ? momentary? as recommended in the VPX install manual especially while doing the flight testing, then if you still have issues the problem will be elsewhere - maybe the switch ?