
I'm New Here
Seeking advice. I want to position and drill FL-303R to the skins.

1. Can I trust the plans dimensions that form the angle off of FL-302?

2. Trimming the top and bottom inboard flap skins looks tricky. Any tips on how and when to do this?

3. I plan on using the RV-8 flap fairings as suggested by Randy.

I found the nice pics needed on Randy's RV-8 site. Perfect. It looks like a whole lot of trim and fit happening after mating the wing and positioning the flap fairing. Voices of experience would be good to hear from. Thanks in advance.
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You can go ahead and drill the top skin, I wouldn't trim the skins untill final fit with fuselage. I've seen many variances on the bottom skin to fuselage overlap with no two being the same. The 3 kit is the classic slow build kit and not many of the parts fit without tweeking. :eek:
Builder/pilot/bill payer
RV3 976TM
RV3 978TM