
Well Known Member
Hello Gents

A friend is trying to have his electric flaps indication to show up on his GRT EFIS and is wondering how to do this??

He has also an EIS 4000 if that is important.

I'm pretty sure someone here must have done that and if you will be so kind to share on how you've done it, it will be appreciated.


[email protected]
There is a current thread, “Trim position signal for EFIS”. Follow the same wiring for a Ray Allan position sensor for the flaps.
Newer (HX and newer) GRT EFIS units have a selectable (on/off) bias resistor and 12 volt power built in. Older boxes need external power to the ‘hot’ end of the sensor.
I’m pretty sure this is all on the GRT web site somewhere, although finding it may be challenging!
Edit: Go to GRTavionics.com/support/EFIS manuals/HX/HX trimflap....
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Hi Bob

Yep, must be the same friend ;-)

He called GRT and they weren't very useful..He is basically on his own ..

I'm pretty sure he will figure it out as he is very good with electrical stuff ( way better than me anyway ) but I thought that maybe someone here had a faster way to do it than going thru all the hoops..

Thanks anyway

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Can you say what model EFIS?
If you go to the thread I reference above, you will see a wiring diagram that will work with any EFIS. Just that with the newer ones, you may optionally by-pass the EIS box.
Just a note, my experience when calling GRT has always been positive.