Andy J

Well Known Member
Upon trial fitting my flaperons to the wings, I noticed the top surface on the outboard ends of the flaperons are approximately 1/8" higher than the top surface of the wings. My rod end bearings are adjusted to 11/32" per the manual. Has anyone else encountered this? I can see a little more adjustment with the rod end bearings my be possible.
I came across exactly the same thing last weekend - just hadn't got round to posting the question!

It appears that the flaperon spar is deeper than the wing at that point. I could also screw the hinge rod-end bearings in a bit (perhaps 1/32") but the the hinge brackets would then be very close to the skins.

I can't see it being anything else than an aesthetics issue but would be interested to hear if this is indeed the norm.
Thanks Jerry - Glad to hear others had the same. Curious to know what those who are flying did to adjust theirs, or if they just left it that way. Thanks in advance to any of those flying that can chime in.
I think that's correct

Let me check-- I think I queried Van's about the same thing and was told that's the way it's supposed to be. There's supposed to be something in the prefilght preparation package about that but I haven't looked it up yet.

Wayne 120241/143WM
Curious to know what those who are flying did to adjust theirs(Flaperon outboard end, top surface) , or if they just left it that way. Thanks in advance to any of those flying that can chime in.
This is normal

Upon trial fitting my flaperons to the wings, I noticed the top surface on the outboard ends of the flaperons are approximately 1/8" higher than the top surface of the wings. My rod end bearings are adjusted to 11/32" per the manual. Has anyone else encountered this? I can see a little more adjustment with the rod end bearings my be possible.

I asked Van's about this today and was told that this is normal.
There is a procedure in the PAP to double check the flapperons drop from side to side.

FYI, There also seems to be a minor interference issue with the right side flapperon (lower skin) hanging up on a fuselage rivet when the wings are installed. It's no big deal, and as the PAP says to check clearances on these surfaces before flight and remove material on the edge to give you the clearance needed, but it might be a good idea to check this one out now before paint so as to not nick the paint off that rivet before you catch it.
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A couple of days ago I spotted that the metal had curled around at the very corner of one flaperon. Maybe I too have a spot of interference. Must check before painting the fuse...
