
Well Known Member
Completed the flaperon hookup today and found that with the flaps up. the right flaperon "hangs up" at full up deflection. It's just barely noticeable on the stick, but if you're moving the flaperon by hand outside, you can feel it (takes a fingertip tug to break loose) and hear it. As best I can see (no surface scratching yet but sure to be when it's painted) the flaperon skin may be touching either the upper edge of the lower part of the "fork" in the rear stub spar or the top row of rivets that hold that part in place. There's plenty of clearance on the left side. I see no feasible way to move the flaperon pivot bearing nack unless it's removed and re-installed with a shim under it.
What serves as the aileron stop? Right now at full deflection the flaperon pivot arms contact the dubbeler inside the tunnel wall.

And I had to trim about 3/16 off the inboard edge of the flaperon skins to get the 1/8 clearance from the fuselage skins/rivets. Pretty much standard?

Thanks! Wayne 120241
Hey Wayne

Mine had ( and still has ) a slight catch, and I can see the flap hiting a rivet head.

John Bender
Our right flaperon also was too close to the fuselage so we just trimmed off about 3/16 of the skin. At full down right flaperon( we have to manually grab the flaperon by hand and push it to the full down position) there is a bit of a catch when we pull it up by hand. Using the stick for full up and down aileron there is no catch. We're still trying to figure it out but haven't been able to pin it down. The test pilot says the aircraft flies fine and has done a full set of mild aerobatics with it. The only squack he had was a heavy right wing at cruise speed. Since then the sod runway has been so wet that we haven't been able to get it back in the air.
Hey John

The heavy wing thing can be fixed as the book says. Works well. Do say 3' at a time, then test again. I went over-board, and had to switch and do some on the other wing, but have it good now.

John Bender
I've started thinking about flight testing - have questions.

The test pilot says the aircraft flies fine and has done a full set of mild aerobatics with it.

John F., can you explain what manuevers were used by the test pilot?

The heavy wing thing can be fixed as the book says. Works well. Do say 3' at a time, then test again. I went over-board, and had to switch and do some on the other wing, but have it good now.
John Bender

John B., Could you explain further what this procedure is, or what "book" it is in.?
Hey John

It is in the "PAP" folder. It tells you how to 'pinch' the ends of the flaps. Read it. You'll get a good idea form it.

John Bender
Big John

Do you have all your kits yet ? It is paperwork that comes with the final kit. One folder is titled "PAP". Testing type checklist stuff.

John Bender