Flap switch, where do you have it?

  • On the panel

    Votes: 108 73.0%
  • On the stick

    Votes: 36 24.3%
  • On the panel but wish it were on the stick

    Votes: 2 1.4%
  • On the stick but wish it were on the panel

    Votes: 2 1.4%

  • Total voters

Mike D

Well Known Member
I'm trying to get an idea if there is a standard or a prefered placement of the flap switch. For certified planes it is mostly on the lower panel. What about experimentals?

I have read the endless posts on others preferences, safety concerns and thoughts on just keeping it simple. But this is a poll on where you actually have the flap switch.

First poll, so hope this works.:)

1. On the panel
2. On the stick
3. On the panel, but wish it were on the stick
4. On the stick, but wish it were on the panel
I put mine on the panel, I can reach it with my thumb with hand on the throttle.
On the vertical RV-6 panel support just under the throttle and trim switch.

Jim Sharkey
Next to the throttle.

One handed operation.............and no squeezing your hand backwards between you and your passenger, when it should be on the throttle.

The RV flap handle is nothing like the forward sitting Johnson bar in a typical Piper. I'm glad that Van's came up with something much better.
Flap Switch

I put mine on the left side console just in front of the thtottle/prop/mixture levers. The console is sloped up to the main instrument panel. This allows me to keep my hand on the throttle and flip the switch with a finger. I used a flat flap switch I found on Ebay which I think was from a Piper.
With hand on throttle...flap toggle to left, fuel boost toggle upper left and pitch trim rocker upper right. All within reach while on the throttle.
Panel center then, Panel right side

I initially had one VOR/LOC/GS indicator and two parallel vertical rows of switches just left of center. When I added another VOR/LOC/GS indicator I had to move a switch out of the original location (as well as many other panel changes) and it was the flap switch. Now it is isolated on the right side near the top. I had to look for the switch and identify it either way but now that it is isolated identification is simpler. Reaching to the other side seems less natural but I only use two flap positions so in a few seconds the task is over.


Bob Axsom
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I have a center-mount throttle quadrant, and my flap switch is on the panel just above the quadrant and below the radio stack. I have recently put a relayed flap up switch (momentary-on, like a ptt) on the quadrant so that when doing TnG or a go-round, I can retract the flaps with my hand still on the throttle.

Mine's on the panel where I can reach it with my right hand index finger with my hand on the throttle in my -7A.

Moved it from sticks to panel for safety.

I originally built it it flap control on both sticks so the aeroplane could be fully controlled from bot seats. I found very quickly that passengers would operate it accidentally quite often......... not good hen your given flap at 140 mph!!

So I moved it to the panel her it can be reached from both seats.

If you are going to put it on the stick just do the pilot side.
On Panel

As Walt said:

"I put mine on the panel, I can reach it with my thumb with hand on the throttle." Mine is just to the left of the throttle.

If I were doing over, I'd eliminate the trims from the stick as well, replacing with rocker switch(es) slightly to the right of the throttle also in reach by a finger with hand on throttle.
On the sub-panel, to the right of the throttle quad where I can activate with my middle finger without moving my hand from the quadrant.

Like this:
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I have a thumb operated switch on my throttle, which is mounted in the center console. Hand stays on the throttle and thumb is on the switch. Very convenient.

I used to have it on the stick (infinity grip) but found that flaps are easier to operate from the throttle.

PS: "Mounted on the throttle" isn't a poll response - so I didn't answer the poll...
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On a bracket under the panel immediately to the left of the throttle. Hand on throttle, thumb on flap switch.
Would not recommend!

Mine is on the fuel selector panel between the seats. It is on my list of changes during the first annual next summer. I will be moving it to the panel, as close to the throttle as I can. Having your hand on the throttle and being able to operate the flaps at the same time is the way to go! IMHO

Mine's on the panel where I can reach it with my right hand index finger with my hand on the throttle in my -7A.


I'm another one that used this location. I can reach it with all hands on the controls but I won't activate it accidently.
Directly above the throttle. Easy to put the flaps down with my right thumb, without taking my hand off the throttle. Wouldn't have it any other way.


Great responses

3 out of 4 RV pilots prefer the flap switch on the panel! :)

Great responses! Thanks everyone!

So now I just need to find a empty spot near the throttle.
Centered between Throttle and Mixture

Centered between throttle and mixture (horizontal), within easy reach of index finger while hand still on throttle. Love it in this location and would do it again.
3 out of 4 RV pilots prefer the flap switch on the panel! :)

Well technically speaking, 3 out of 4 RV pilots responding to your survey prefer their flap switch on the panel..... ;)

Just like EFIS's, many have only tried what they have, so you're getting an validation of their initial choice, not a comparison per se.
Well technically speaking, 3 out of 4 RV pilots responding to your survey prefer their flap switch on the panel..... ;)

Just like EFIS's, many have only tried what they have, so you're getting an validation of their initial choice, not a comparison per se.

Not completely the case, most if not all have flown other planes (Cessna or other types) where the flap switch/mechanism is not on the panel or within the reach when hand is on throttle. So, there is some pervious experince though might not be in a RV.

Believe it or not, there are literally thousands of RVs flying with manual flaps as in the original design by people who prefer them!
Can you still get manual flaps with the RV 8 kit, I dont see them as an option?

A friend in our airport is building a 8 and he is putting a manual flap. It is his own doing since I know he has been working on different measurements for the flap handle.
Close to throttle

To the left of the throttle with a guard on it so I can leave my hand on the throttle and reach the switch with my thumb.