
Looking for ideas on how to cover / seal the hole in the fuselage where the flap rod exits.
If anyone has pictures or ideas i whould appecite it!
thanks again
You could cut a piece of baffle material with a slit in it, and glue it to the inside of the hole. The push rod would move up/down/fore/aft in the slit.

Not perfectly airtight but a step in that direction...
I had a plan to seal mine with baffle material on a small box. I flew with some tufts around the area and covers off to see how much air motion there was . . . not enough to move the yarn. I terminated the project but my tufts may have been too stiff. Scott says use small streamers of toilet paper.

In an experiment, a web of ripstop material between the vertical rib for the roll bar and the seat back stopped the cold draft up my arm pit.
Just curious, what RV are you referring to? With the flaps up, on the RV’s I’ve built/owned, the bottom inboard flap skin covers that opening. Could you possibly add a piece aluminum to the flap that would cover that opening?
RV6A 2nd owner and yes my lower flap skins cover the hole its just not (pretty). Im in the process of converting from manual to electric flaps.