
Well Known Member
Just wondering if anyone has marked their flaps for position visible from the cockpit. Would like to do something non-electric. Just maybe markings on the aileron or something. Wings are white and I thought I could mark them somehow.
A thin strip of black electrical tape at 10, 20 30, etc, degrees has worked for me in the past
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I used a angle finder and a China (grease) pencil in red to mark the line, figuring maybe I'd get used to the position and remove it later. It's fairly faint yet easy enough for me to see from the cockpit, Has helped me a lot since I'm pretty low time in the six.
I didn't mark them an don't really see a reason to. In the pattern I don't really want to focus on some little mark to determine flap position. Time and sound suffice.

At the perch, reduce throttle and lower flaps for a count of 3 and a quick glance at the flaps to see the position. You'll be able to tell if they're a third deployed without marks. Turn base, another count of 3 and another glance. Turn final and lower the flaps until I can hear the flap motor sound change indicating full deployment. Nuthin to it.:)
mark and count

I marked mine with grease pencil early on to develop consistency in transitioning to and operating my -6. Almost 7 years later the marks are still there (I may have touched them up once, not sure), but a 3 count puts the flap right on the mark. I rarely look anymore unless setting up for a shortfield takeoff and then it's only to check the aileron to flap alignment at full deflection. No harm in having the marks there.
Used an "angle-ometer" to determine 1/2 flap, guntape to denote same.

Airborne check to ascertain "count" required to acquire 1/2 flap position.

Subsequent iterations achieved by "counting", quick check of flap "indicator" to confirm.


Just wondering if anyone has marked their flaps for position visible from the cockpit. Would like to do something non-electric. Just maybe markings on the aileron or something.
That's exactly what I did. I used a Sharpie on the aileron. Also, my AFS Sport AoA annunciates "FLAPS" when they're almost fully deployed.
Take Off

I put a piece of tape at the 10 deg. point for short field take-offs. All landings are full flaps.