
Well Known Member
Anyone out there have a 4-6-7-8 flap motor?preferably Sarasota TPA area?

Secondary question has anybody had any luck getting these motors rebuilt?

Have you tried to disassemble and clean the grease out of the motor? People have had luck doing that..
I have heard also you can take them apart and clean the grease out and they work again until they dont because of more grease.

If you end up ordering a new one, consider the Pat Hatch motor. My standard kit motor crapped out before I was even flying. I had trouble getting it to sync with my G3x and Vertical Power system.

Pat's unit was about the same price I believe and he was very helpful getting mine to work well with my system. Great service.
The fix is only temporary, But, a good one.
Remove motor. disassemble, Clean the grease out of the brush area, and it will probably work if you get it back together. Them little brushes are a bit of a challenge. Doable but a challenge.
It will last another 400-500 hours before you have to do it again.
I've got an RV-6A and at 501 hours it stopped working. It gave me a warning at about 480 hours, But, I ignored it. Not anymore. Cleaned and it worked/works fine.
Or buy the better motor from I don't remember where, But, it's on the forum here somewhere.