
Well Known Member
Just a quick note on the failed flap motor.

I called Motion Systems Corporation in NJ last week to get some info on the motor and drive unit. After talking with Mike about the situation, it was decided to send the entire unit back so they could take it apart and see what happened. They have not built or sold these units for some time but he said they will look at it give me an estimate on what it would cost to repair it and/or install a new motor if necessary.

Mike called this morning. It turns out the motor failed because the gear drive jammed and caused the motor to burn up. The reason this happened is not entirely clear except the cleaning process 2 years ago may have removed the effectiveness of the remaining grease. The unit can be completely rebuilt with a new motor for $190. I said that sounds like a deal and it is a go.

Just a little background info, Motion did not know what these units were being used for at the beginning of the deal with Vans, probably over liability concerns as is the case so many times with anything going into an airplane. I sense that the original grease issue put forth by Vans is half of the story. Those failures may well have been caused by an inadequate design from the beginning because the end use of the product was unknown to Motion.

In any event, I am pleased Motion will rebuild my unit at this time knowing it is a flap motor in an airplane. It will be improved from the original design with special seals and a new motor. They are a good company in my book.
Preemptive Rebuild

I wonder if it makes sense for me to send my NIB motor to them and have them rebuild it for the intended use before I use it for the first time.
Many units have not failed, I'd stick with it and see what happens.

Since this thread came up; I asked an RV6A owner in the hangar next door about his flap motor. The plane was completed in 1996 and has just about 1200 hrs on it now. The flap motor has never failed.

No problem to fix

Mine failed after 260 hrs. a week after the first failure it did it again. I printed out the flap motor maintenance instructions http://www.vansaircraft.com/pdf/flap_motor.pdf from Van's. I took it apart found the grease on the brushes and the end of the motor windings. Cleaned it up good, put it back together and I expect that it will go another 260 hrs at least, before it will need to be cleaned again. No problem to fix in my case.