
Vans says to center the flap motor actuator arm when installing the bracket for the rod end bearing, which I have done. I am thinking it is best the have the flap motor as high as practical to allow for full travel when lowering the flaps. The problem I have is the actuator rod starts to contact the front of the hole about a quarter way down when lowering.

Is it common to have to enlarge the hole the actuator rod passes through? This seems easy enough, but as I think this will be quite visible I need assurance before I start cutting!
Normal ops

That is the way it works...normal, normal. It seemed excessive to me, but I did what others have and it worked out fine. I had to cut into the 90 degree angle some too, which I wasn't real crazy about. But, everybody does it. Once you're finished with the project, it's not as big of a hole as when you're staring at it and making the hole (if that makes sense). Dave
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The hole won't be that visible once you put the flap fairing on. Nobody knows that until they get that far....
