
Well Known Member
I am fitting my flaps to the wing/fuselage interface and had a question about the flap hinge which is riveted to the wing. I have about a 2" section of hinge hanging over the edge of the wing which is not supported by any structure on the wing. I can't see that this is really doing anything for flap support since it is not supported itself. Have I missed something along the way, or is this the way that Van designed it?

You know, I looked at that same piece of hinge for maybe a year in the wing rack, wondering when it was going to get trimmed off...and now, i can't for the life of me remember how it ended up! (Memory is the second thing to go...) But leave it be for now, and certainly, it will be taken care of when you mount the wings....

That's where I am at the moment. I am working on the wing/fuselage intersection after having mounted the wings. It looks goofy the way that it is. If it looks goofy, it probably is goofy...
For what it's worth, on my -7 (same wings as yours) I chopped the end of the hinge off that was extending inboard past the edge of the wing. But I did leave the hinge on the flap, since it was riveted on. So on the inboard end there are a few eyelets on the flap which don't mate up with anything. But I did leave the hinge pin long enough so that it goes through those eyelets on the flap side. Hope this makes sense. Got photos on my site if not.
I just fitted my flaps to the wing and fuselage this last weekend. That extra piece of hing on the wing is not needed and should be trimmed off. The extra eyelets on the flap will be helpful if you intend to insert the hinge pin from the wing root, but other than that, they are also not necessary.
I used 2 short pieces of hinge pin on each end during the fitting process to facilitate taking the flap on and off. Worked great.
I am so glad somebody ask this question. Those have been bugging the crap out of me. I would look at them every time I walk by the wings.
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Thanks to all. I love you guys!
I was looking at all kind of potential solutions and it never crossed my mind to cut them off. I will probably gain another 200 FPM climb once I take off these little buggers:)