
Well Known Member
I am doing my 12th condition inspection and looked at the flap hinge and they look a bit dirty after collecting dust for the the 12 years. I typically squirt some LPS2 on them every year and that seems to be attracting dirt. I decided to pull the pins and clean and lubricate.

Questions for the group: How often should you pull the flap hinge pins and inspect, clean, lubricate? Should I be using something other than LPS2 that collects less grim?

This leads to more general question on pulling hinge bolts. I annually pull bolts that something rotates on, like the rudder attach cable bolts and airbox bypass door pull cable, every year to look for wear on the bolt. I do not for rod ends that are clamped up. I will squirt in some LPS2 but it is hard to really get the lubricant onto the rod end due to the clamp up with washers. How often should I pull those bolts to lubricate and look for bearing wear?
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I pull hinge bolts at my 500 hour inspection. I have only done it once and did not find any wear at all, none, zip, zero.

For cleaning hinges, hinge bolts, etc... while installed, I use LPS-1 then follow up with LPS-2. The LPS-1 seems to flush out the dirt, grime, and old lubricant. Using LPS-1 instead of a solvent I don’t worry about solvent contamination if I don’t get it all out.

I use the can and keep the little red plastic “nozzle” on so I have a good pressure stream to help flush out the joint. Put a rag under to keep the mess contained.

LPS-2 does attract dirt but it also stays put. LPS-1 doesnt seems to hang around long enough and there have been reports from others that it did not protect well.
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