
Well Known Member
I may have found a QB wing issue or it may be just me. Has anyone else encountered the following.

When installing the flap gap fairing the instructions are to "Rivet in assembly with W-921 and W-910. DWG 11.

Those rivets were installed when the wing was built and before I got it. Someone at the QB build location drilled additional holes for the flap gap fairing above the specified plan holes.

I tried using those new holes and found it to kick the trailing edge of the top skin up at an unacceptable angle. It also places the faring under extreme stress. I'm thinking I need to remove the rivets placed in at the QB factory and reinstall as the plans describe.

Attached are two pics. One shows the fairing clecoed in as it would be if I use the extra holes (which I think are incorrect), it shows how the trailing edge of the top skin is pushed up out of line with the rest of the skin. The second pic shows the extra holes I am referring to.

Has anyone else seen this?

I can't figure out how to post a pic so I'll email them to anyone who wants,

Thanks, Steve in NH
Problem Solved

I call Van's and Sterling was available. He resolved my confusion in no time. Very impressed with Van's support, they're quick, friendly, very knowledgeable and experienced. Nice it do business with such a great company.

Steve in NH