Flying Canuck

Well Known Member
I'm looking at the Right Side View on DWG14 and see a note for quickbuilders to user blind rivets to attach flap brace to rear spar. There doesn't seem to be any other mention of a flap brace - no part number either. I searched to construction manual and there's no mention of it there either. Is this the flap gap fairing (W-921) that they are talking about? It would make sense to blind rivet that as the wing skins are already riveted on and would make bucking very difficult.
It's above the middle of the flap cross section in the right side view just above the callout for the flap gap fairing. Coordinates E7. It has to be referring to the fairing and they're just calling it a brace in this one place.
Does the flap gap fairing come installed on the quickbuild wings? I took a look at the plans and I agree it is confusing to call this both the flap gap and flap brace. There are some rivet call outs on DWG 11, but don't indicate the use of pull rivets for quickbuild wings.
No, the flap gap fairing isn't installed on the quick build wing (at least not on mine). The rear spar is completely built up, including the reinforcement fork and the doubler plate.
That is what it is saying, use blind rivets to attach flap brace to rear spar CR3212-4-8, and that is what I did on my QB wings at the root end.

Jim Fogarty
RV-9A flying