
Well Known Member
I am wondering how to do the overlap on the bottom flap skin where it overlaps the fuselage on my rv-6a. It looks like I will have to put a joggle in the skin to get it to fit to the bottom of the fuselage as my flap will be higher than the bottom of the fuselage at the rear when the flap is in the all the way up postion. Is that how everyone is doing it or is it a problem with my RV?
Tom if memory serves, we had the exact same problem with our -6A and elected to cut that section off the flaps so that they could retract. The incidence was correct and it was a QB kit.

Flew fine for5 years and still going strong...and fast..:)

Do a search and you will find a couple of photos of joggle solutions.

I had the same problem with one of the flaps, the other side was fine. For the problem side, I cut off the offending section of the bottom of the flap, fabricated a new section with a properly sized joggle , and riveted it onto the flap.
Thanks Guys,

I also have one side that fits fine and the other needs a slight joggle. I will either try to bend it or cut it off and rivet a joggle on it. I looked at another RV-6a today and he also had slight joggles on his flap bottom skins too. Controls going on for final time!
I found the same problem when I was doing the initial fitting of the flaps in the driveway. I will probablycut the overlap off for now to finish the rigging and then rivet something on afterwards.