Jeff A

Well Known Member
With the flaps installed and full up, I have 1/8"-3/16" gap between the top wing skin and the top skin of the flaps. How do I get the tight fit between the two? Is it necessary, or just cosmetic? Do it by hand or with tools? I'm afraid of putting a crease in the top skin if I use my hands. Do I bend the wing skin DOWN or the flap skin UP? I appreciate your help / suggestions.

Probably been asked before, but my search found nothing....probably not using the right search key words. Thanks.
Jeff, a picture would be worth 1,000 words. I put my flaps on the wings a while back and noticed a gap, too. But I'm not sure what kind of gap you're referring to. What's the nature of the problem?

Mine seems to be because the skin of the wing surface isn't flat. It sort of has a "ski jump" at the aft end of the wing, and I believe the problem comes from the wings' rear spar flange not being bent quite enough at the factory. I've been stewing over this for a long time, wondering how I'm going to fix it.

I don't have any pictures of mine, but it's the same thing I found on my horizontal stabilizer when I mounted my empennage and fitted the elevators. I have pictures and a discussion of the "fix" I employed in my web log here:

Horizontal Stabilizer Trailing Edge Problem

But I'm not sure how to use this method on my wings. I don't have seamer pliers that are big enough! I'm looking forward to anyone else who can comment on this subject.
Here are a couple pictures....



I guess it's possible that I didn't address the rear spar flange correctly, but this is what I'm left with....
Just needs tweaked a bit

Mine had the same issue, so I made a tool to adjust the bend angle of the top flange of the rear spar (after assembly):



Adjusting the flange:

The results:

You're welcome to borrow it for the cost of shipping both ways.

Good luck,
So adjusting the spar flange is the trick? Not simply bending the skin?

I think bending the skin would be a mess cosmetically. My tool does essentially the same thing Bruce did with his seaming pliers except it has a deeper throat to accept the longer trailing edge of the main skin.
That looks like a nice solution, Mike. Wish I'd thought of that. I had the same issue and spent hours futzing. In the end I got it close, but mostly by bending the skin. Your tool does a much nicer job.
I think bending the skin would be a mess cosmetically. My tool does essentially the same thing Bruce did with his seaming pliers except it has a deeper throat to accept the longer trailing edge of the main skin.


Exactly! I've been wondering where you find seaming pliers with a deeper throat. Your tool does the job! It looks like the groove in the lower bar was put there so you don't damage the rivet tails, correct? Wow. I'll happily get in line after Jeff to borrow your tool, assuming he wants to use it, and I'll very happily pay the shipping both ways when I'm finished!
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Mine had the same issue, so I made a tool to adjust the bend angle of the top flange of the rear spar (after assembly):

You're welcome to borrow it for the cost of shipping both ways.

Good luck,


I'd really appreciate the use of the tool. Check your PMs. Thanks.

As I indicated earlier, I'd happily get in line after you. How about sending it on to me when you're finished with it, and when I'm done, I'll send it back to Mike?

Check your PM's, please.