
Well Known Member
The flap W-00026 alignment template section 34 pg 02 doesn't seem to be in the fuselage kit. Doesn't appear on the parts list either. With the prefix of W- does it come in the wing kit?
Could someone shed some light 💡 on this please.
Thanks Tom23 seems odd that it's not included in the fuselage kit also as it's used to drill the flap actuator and called for in the plans.
I've got my wing kit here ( not unpacked yet) so I'll rummage around and see if I can find it.
This indeed comes in the wing kit. It is used several times in the plans at various points in the build.
This indeed comes in the wing kit. It is used several times in the plans at various points in the build.

And is the reason a specific kit purchase order is listed on the order form...
It may not officially state that is the designed/intended construction order, but it is.
There are numerous construction manual build details that to work, require that a specific build order be followed.
I just discovered this interesting problem. I'm ordering QB wings - so I guess I'll call to see if I can get a template....
And is the reason a specific kit purchase order is listed on the order form...
It may not officially state that is the designed/intended construction order, but it is.
There are numerous construction manual build details that to work, require that a specific build order be followed.

Scott, I?m building a 10 and am fiddling around with rigging the flaps and ailerons on the wings ahead of doing the tips.
Given the similarities between the -14 and -10 airfoil would it be appropriate to use the W-00026 to set neutral for a -10? Just curious. Looks a little more robust method.

Scott, I?m building a 10 and am fiddling around with rigging the flaps and ailerons on the wings ahead of doing the tips.
Given the similarities between the -14 and -10 airfoil would it be appropriate to use the W-00026 to set neutral for a -10? Just curious. Looks a little more robust method.


Yes, the same gauge tool should work for the RV-10 as well.