Louise Hose

Well Known Member
Save the date! Ironflight and I plan a Flag Day (Saturday June 14th) open house and hangar warming at Dayton Valley Airpark from about 12 pm to 5 pm. Fly-ins will be welcomed. BBQ, soft drinks, and socializing. We’ll send out a reminder closer to the event. We hope to see a bunch of our friends!
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One month out.....

What to bring?

If this at all resembles a pot luck. I am sure there is some of us that would be happy to bring something to share. Steve
Only if...

My family would really enjoy being there to view the new home and hangar but we are pressing hard to finish the 10. Will visit soon.

No need to bring anything but enhancing the variety of the goodies/snack and beverage supplies is welcomed.

Galon, love to have your family visit!
10 days out

Just a bump to remind folks of this event. It will help us ensure enough brisquet if everyone would RSVP (either on this thread or by emailing me through hose*at*drkarst.net) by the 11th of June. We, of course, understand that weather (mostly likely winds!) can easily change the fly-in number, but it's a starting number.
It's a Maule

Will it be OK if I arrive in something other than an RV? I really am trying to finish mine . . .
Louise, this would make an excellent entry on the VAF calendar. Fourth over from the left, above. :)
Have fun

Couldn't swing all those gallons before Big Trip. Any chance you postpone it till next year? :D

RSVPs solicited

Right now, the weather is looking great for this Saturday (fingers crossed) and we are preparing the fixin'. It would help to have RSVPs by Thursday morning from folks planning on attending both to ensure enough food and plan for the ramp space. Not a formal, we-expect-this-to-be-the-final-number type of RSVP. Just to let us make a good estimate. Folks are certainly welcome to show up if you suddenly find yourself free on Saturday and in the neighborhood or not show if the winds (or something else) come up.

We certainly understand that some folks may want to arrive and leave early, especially if crossing the Sierra. We welcome early arrivals (after 7 am), but you may be put to work!

See folks on Saturday!
Rain Check?
Would love to see the new place. Easy 2.5 hr flight average from Parkside (WA87).
Have scheduling conflicts.
You are also welcome anytime up at our place now that you are so close.

It's great to see that you and Paul can spell Sierra correctly.:)

Weather (including winds) looks good. Count me in.
Well it's been blowing pretty good for about three days, and all the atmosphere has gone somewhere and gotten itself tired out...the forecast is for light winds tomorrow, and that sounds about right, so hope the folks that are planning to fly in mount up and come visit.

We'll try and catch everyone on the radio as they taxi in and direct you to a parking space - we've got room on our property for a couple of planes (beyond our three), we have several neighbor's ramps reserved, and the parallel taxiway in front of our house can hold a bunch of taildraggers with their little wheels in the dirt. Plenty of room!

You can't miss us - Mikey, the Val, and Tsam will be parked outside to welcome visiting planes.

For those flying in.


The land rises quite a bit to the south/southeast, as the alluvial fan gets closer to the hills. It can make you think you are lower than traffic pattern, but it is an optical illusion.

Watch out for the tower if landing on 5.
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Perfect weather!

It's looking great this morning, so no weather excuse.

No wind is expected for the morning and R23 is the preferred runway. Just roll out to the west end and take the second taxiway on the right. We will also try to give wind conditions on the CTAF radio: 122.9.

Best AWOS is Silver Springs. Three clicks on 122.9.

See ya' soon!
A Great Time!

Thanks to everyone that showed up for our Open House/Hangar Warming on Saturday! We counted 16 planes throughout the day (of course, three of those were ours),including a couple of Rockets (now that we are out west, ?Rocket? means Harmon?.), a C-310, a Cherokee ? and a whole BUNCH of RV?s!!

The weather had been blowing all week long, gusting to 35 knots at times ? it all quit for Saturday, with not much more than 10 knots all day ? and now on Sunday, it?s been gusting to 30 again. Clean living, I guess.

First arrivals were a little before 1000, and the neighbors were still hanging around about 1800 ? a long day, but all fun. We were up cooking BBQ at 0500. The neighbors were happy to loan ramp space for visiting airplanes ? and really excited to see more aviation activity here again!

Here?s a picture of the first arriving planes:

Good food, lots of folks meeting each other:

Mike Starkey greets our newest dog (Mike greets EVERYONE?.):

Hope to see even more folks the next time we decide to hold one of these!

Paul & Louise (Pictures by Louise)
Nice meetting you, and everyone else - Thank you for the pics!

Paul & Louise,
Thanks for hosting this great hangar party! As always, it was a pleasure to be in your company and other such fine people:)

You guys are awesome!

P.S. Paul, I'm testing your BBQ technique. Thanks for sharing!
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Awesome Group

I brought a friend of mine, Pamela. Pamela is not a small airplane person. She had a little apprehension about leaping tall mountains in a single bound. Now she is a seasoned passenger and loves these small experimental planes. She did have a comment about the people she met at Paul and Louise's, and repeated it to me several times. "Your airplane friends are so nice and I felt so accepted"

A fun day for all! Steve
Thanks to all who showed up. I wish I had time to socialize more but I hope all our visitors (around 60+, I think) had a great time. Thanks, Mike M. for the beer!

We hope to do this again next year.
Open House and Hanger

What a beautiful Home and Hanger you guys have built. The view from everywhere was awesome. Thank you for your hospitality and thanks Paul for the Best Beef Brisket ever. You know the Minnesota one, not Texas. Thanks again. Diane and I had a great time.