
Well Known Member
Has anyone tried fixing a 1/8" gap along the sides of the tip up canopy by laying fiberglass on the side strip and overlapping a little down onto the lower fuselage? If so, how did it go and photos would be most appreciated.
Have not seen that, but have a couple of builders fab new "taller" side skins for the tip up .... to achieve the same result.

I added about a 1/4inch overlap of fiberglass on the sides and about an inch on the back of the tip up. It added a lot of rigidity to the tip up. But also added weight. I had to get a little stronger shocks to hold the thing up in the wind.

would I do it again, yes, but I would have used carbon fiber and really paid attention to weight.

Ill try to post some pictures

What's the goal; cosmetics, or air leaks?

If it's air leaks, you'd probably get better results with a rubber 'P' gasket or a plastic 'V' gasket along the bottom of the canopy rail.
I made a taller side piece of the tip up and front foreskin. The lines match all the way from the front to back. Too much trouble to post a picture here but email me if you want to see what it looks like. It was a bit of a pain getting it to fit well since it overlapped, but it was worth it. It has to be better than just using weatherstripping since you can still install the weatherstripping and you have the overlap to keep the wind and rain out.
fixing gap on side of Tip Up canopy

Thanks, all good ideas. Goal is mostly to seal gap for draft and noise reasons, but if the gap is sealed it should look better. I am finishing wiring and panel so i think I'll wait until the last skin forward of the canopy is riveted before I fix the gap, because every time I put the canopy on the gap looks different. I will probably do both a weather stripping and extend downward the side panel with either fiberglass or aluminum strip.