
Active Member
I beginning to paint my 9A and have several small "dings" due to poor riveting technique. I hammered them out the best I can, but I want to fill them before I primer.

My question is what is the best product for this ?? I have some Super-Fil (the blue stuff) that I used on the canopy and wondering if this would work, OR should I go the the local Auto Parts store I buy some "bondo" or some brand of body filler??

Thoughts, comments !!!

N918HB (reserved)
EZ-poxy and microballoon

Had to have a neighbor drive the rivets on one side edge of the upper fwd fuselage skin. I used microballoon in 24 hour cure EX-Poxy (all from Aircraft Spruce) as Mel suggests to fill the dings and it worked great. After several years (3 flying) and over 300 hours there is no cracking or other signs of delamination.

Bob Axsom
The super-fil will work fine, it's basically commercially mixed micro and epoxy or as the other posts say micro and slow cure epoxy, make sure the metal is well cleaned with acetone and scuffed with a scotchbrite pad prior. Mix the micro up till you think it's too dry, it's usually perfect then. If you have too much epoxy in the mix it will be harder to sand. Work it onto the metal with a plastic squeegee at least three time the size of the dent, it will try to roll off at first, just keep pressing it into the mteal. Block sand it with 120 grit aluminum oxide paper the next day, progressing to no finer than 320 to final finish. If you go to fine on the sandpaper your primer may not adhere well. Polyesther fillers like bondo will shrink with time and are heavy too.
Thanks, appreciate the comments. I was leaning towards using micro and epoxy.....I used the West Epoxy System on my canopy......I have plenty left, so I'll just use this and mix some micro into the mix and apply.

Thanks for the quick response......
