
Active Member
On the first page of instructions no less... It was all going fine until I messed up squeezing one of the flush rivets holding the VS-401 to the VS-702 front spar. I was pretty good drilling out rivets in the EAA class, so I thought, "no big deal" but I missed and ended up with a figure 8 hole (see attached). What are my options here? Replace the rivet and JBWeld the hole? Drill out and replace the doubler?

Thanks for the help.

Well, you really need to practice your drilling techniques. Don't just drill for a while. Drill for a second and check if the dimple is centered, then do a little more. Angle the bit if you need to correct it. If you do this a lot, then use a couple of sizes smaller drill bit - get a jobber length full # set. You might find that after angling it around and getting in the center it is actually the correct size for the punch to break off the head w/o further drilling. And one last thing, get something to allow you to see perfectly clearly what the drill it is doing. I use a head mounted magnifier with much better results. It is not like sex, you have to see what you are doing. I have done this my self, so I am just speaking from experience not lecturing regardless of how it sounds.

Here is a great writeup in rivet removal. Just like I do it and very successfully.

Spar and doubler means a Van's call might be in order. Sorry I did not catch that sooner and have modified this post accordingly. Stressed parts really need all properly set rivets. Maybe a dash larger would work, try on some scrap to see if it will adequately set. Tough situation. If parts are cheap, then I would not hesitate for replace.

Now lets listen for real expert methods. I want to hear that too.

Happy building!
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I screwed up the countersink (what they used to have you do before the dimpling) and ordered both new parts. Came out to a little over $30. I would reorder if I was you.
Probably going to replace...

Thanks for the advice all.

The drill out fail came using a rivet remover tool that looked like it would keep the bit on center (but apparently didn't). I'll use the more traditional drill out method in the future. At least this lesson wasn't particularly expensive.

I did email Vans for advice, but at this stage it is so easy to replace that I'll likely go that direction.

Now I have lots of extra scrap to practice on :)
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Just wait..

Now I have lots if extra scrap to practice on :)

You think you have a lot of scrap now... ;) IMHO you made the right decision. Lost cost of replacement, do it right the second time. Bit of advice: if it's been a while since you drilled out a rivet, or riveted, or countersunk, or whatever, PRACTICE on a scrap setup before you work that day. A little bit of practice before the "real" work will go a long way to make sure you do it right the first time.
You are right Mike... I got in a rush at the end of the day and made the first mistake (bad rivet) and then compounded it (bad drill out). I need to slow down.

I ordered the replacement parts and will have have peace of mind.
