
Well Known Member
Bit of a technique question here. While doing some assembly of my elevators I noticed I countersinked the wrong side of the aft spar (9-8 step 2). So now instead of the top having a smooth surface for the trim tab hinge it's dimpled, and the bottom is smooth. This is only on the left elevator, did the right one correct.

I can't think of any issues of the bottom part having countersinked vs dimples, but I obviously need to fix the top for it to be smooth. One option is to flatten the dimples with a squeezer and then countersink. The other is to grind the back side of the dimples flat. My concern with flattening is will it weaken the metal? Then my concern with grinding is it will remove material and possibly make the hole larger.

Either way the goal is to have a flat surface to attach the hinge.
Talked to Vans this morning and will be replacing the part. The general thought I got from the conversation was that if it's easy to replace, just do that and make it right so you never have to worry about it.

There's no hard line rule though on flattening a dimple to countersink... he did say he didn't like to do it on thick metal, but it can be viewed on a case by case basis.

I also figured out what I did... I followed the same picture on both and made two right hand elevator parts...