

I was wondering if anyone could tell me where to get a fixed pitch prop for a IO-360 A1A I know you think I'm crazy for not going constent speed, but do any of you know where I can get one?

FP prop

I've seen a Aymar DeMuth wood prop on a IO-360 so I assume he makes them for that engine, it was on a RV-6 too.
FWIW, I 've understood you don't really want a wood prop on a high HP engine as the torque is possibly too much for the crush plate and bolts. But I'm not sure where the cut off point is.
Good Luck
I think you are crazy for not going constant speed. BUT, that said Performance Propellors or Catto would be my recommendations. Also I suggest for anything above 150HP, a 7" diameter prop extention from Sabre.

Alternately, you COULD go with a Sensenich.
sensenich wood

I am getting a deal on a c/s prop for my 360 a1a--flew 44 hours on this prop . 83 pitch-- gooooood climb- will turn 2800 rpm. I fly low power, get 175/ 180 mph. If I wasn't getting the c/s with gov. for $2400 I would keep this! Great way to see what u got and get flyin cheap -- Its on my plane @ Mena , Ar---painting . 72/83 -----Call for special price, (wholesale less the freight :p ) asking 800.00 479 629 1986 ED ----looks new!!
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Prince Prop

I can highly recommend Prince carbon P-Tip props. I have an IO-360A1B, 200 hp and it works very well. Not as good as a constant speed, but 5000 bucks and about 30 lbs less. Lonnie made me a 68-83 and I get 167 kts TAS at slightly over 8 gph, running 2500 rpm.
We're crazy. That said, I love being crazy. This would be the Sensenich prop 72FM8S16-1 85" pitch sold through Vans.


That little beauty's going on my 7-A powered by an IO-360.
P.S. Just noticed the boxes behind the tool cabinet are the boxes the engine parts came in.
I like the Sensenich, but lets be clear:

IO-360A1A is a 200HP angle valve engine AS INSTALLED on the Mooney M20E/F. Sensenich DOES NOT make a prop for this engine and the RV.

IF you have an O-360A1A that has been converted to FUEL INJECTION. It becomes in effect an IO-360B1A... the IO-360B series are updraft 180HP, parallel valve models. Sensenich DOES make a prop for this engine.

You're right. For the angle valve you're right outta luck on the fixed pitch Sensenich. Sorry I missed that, glad someone out there is paying attention.
briand said:
IO-360A1B is the angle. Aerosport 200HP

A1A is parallel. Superior 170-185HP

and O-360-A1A is a parallel, the IO-360-A1A is Angle Valve. SEE:

IO-360 Type Certificate

O-360 Type Certificate

Other TC Listings

Thank you Dan C...

Many times people that convert and O-360-A1A to Fuel Injection incorrectly call it an IO-360-A1A. The IO-360 A1A is:

Fwd Facing FI
Angle Valve

The O-360-A1A is:

Updraft Carb
Parallel Valve

The IO-360-A1B6 is:

Fwd Facing FI
Angle Valve

The IO-360-B1A is:

Updraft FI
Parallel Valve

AND for the record the O-360-A1F6 is:

Updraft Carb
Parallel Valve

You all are forgiven, its confusing. You almost have to say IO-360: 180hp/200hp or parallel-valve/angle-valve. The suffix is mostly good for knowing what kind of crank it has (counterweight or not) and magnetos.

The confusion is a O-360-A1A is 180HP/parallel and the IO-360-A1A is 200hp/angle valve.

Some people think (I know) that the fuel injection alone makes a 180HP a 200HP engine and that they are similar engines. According to Lycoing they are totally different engines, for all intents and purposes, and there's few interchangeable parts, apples and kumquat's. To make it worse Continental makes an IO-360.


"The IO-360-AlA features a horizontalfront-mounted
fuel injector, angle valves, 8.7:1 compression ratio,
and is rated at 200 HP. The IO-360-A1A incorporates
additional design items which are not included in the
O-360: piston cooling nozzles, stronger crankshaft,
tongue and groove connecting rods with stretch bolts,
tuned intake system and rotator type intake valves.
There are actually few similarities except for the
360-cubic inch displacement."
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