
Well Known Member
Hi ... some old threads on this but pictures seem unable ? Looking for pictures of RV4 front seat " crotch " strap mountings. Thanks. Stew
I just made a steel tab that goes under two of the spar bolts for the strap to bolt to. I will take a picture next time I get to the airport
I just made a steel tab that goes under two of the spar bolts for the strap to bolt to. I will take a picture next time I get to the airport

This. Make sure it goes on the Forward part of the spar. If a picture doest show up, I can take one Saturday when I get home.
This. Make sure it goes on the Forward part of the spar. If a picture doest show up, I can take one Saturday when I get home.

sorry i just forgot to take a picture. i will try to get on in the morning.
Sorry, I forgot as well.

Here ya go. Forgive the nastiness that is the Tunnel, it is in the middle of being cleaned. ;)

Many thanks

Thanks folks. I did something very similar off back side of spar using those same two bolts but extending downward. Would post a picture if I knew how�� Cheers. Stew