
Well Known Member
Hello all,

I'm having difficulty fitting the W707G reinforcement plates (they're the forked ones) on the rear wing spars. The plate's rivet holes won't align with the spar web's holes...unless the plate's upper edge is radiused to fit against the spar flange bend. The plans don't mention anything about this.

A friend who just finished his rear spars didn't have any problems in this area, and I can't find any reference to radiusing these parts in other builder websites (specifically Dan Checkoway's).

Anyone else had a problem here, or had to radius these plates?


Rear spar doubler

I just did my rear spars a couple of weeks ago and didn't need to do anything special to get the doublers to fit. In fact they sit well back from the flange (just went out to take a look). It does look like if you tried to put them on the other side you'd have a problem - be sure you have the orientation of the rear spar correct and you are putting them on the correct side.

Dennis Glaeser
7A - just finished my first tank (typing with proseal stained fingers)
Thanks for checking, Dennis. And after reading your post I went back to the shop too, just to double-check that I had everything oriented correctly - which it looks like I did.

I suspect either the rear spar or the reinforcement plate is mis-punched, but I don't know which...


rear spar doubler

I'm building a 9 but I suspect the rear spars are quite similar except for length.
If the doubler plate is upside down on the spar, the holes wont quite match and the doubler appears to need radiusing.
Try flipping it over to check for fit and then carefully look at the prints to verify correct orientation.
In my experience, I have not yet found a single mispunched hole and in every case where things did not quite align, it was due to my incorrect placement of the parts.

Good Luck,
Also, check to make sure you're matching the left channel to the left fork, etc. The right fork will not fit on the left channel.
To quote my 12-year old daughter...."DUH!"

Guess I should've looked at the plans once or twice more, because I didn't catch the correct orientation of the pushrod hole. That would've cued me in to the fact that I was indeed attaching the plate to the wrong side.

Thanks guys! :eek:

