
Well Known Member
I'm fitting the F-782C fuel line cover in the forward fuselage with the fuel cover and the plates that go over the cover ribs.

After screwing the various covers to the F-704 center bulkhead, I'm aligning the F-782C fore and aft. The instructions say to mate the bottom of the F-782C with the bottom of the fuel valve cover (there's a flange there with nutplates).

When I get that aligned I still have a small gap -- looks to be about 1/8" on the bottom side corners between the F-782C and the cover plate.

I'm wondering whether other folks have that or whether I should just slide the F-782C flush with the cover plate? Right now, it appears the mating of the flange with the nutplateson the F-782C is fine with the bottom of the valve cover (in the center of the F-782C
Yep, same gap. Actually, now after cutting off the aft section of the cover and installing the High Pressure pump plate, I have that same gap. Onward!

Tip for accurately drilling the F-782C to the stiffeners

For a tip on how to drill this thing to the floor stiffeners look a the entry dated 8/31/05 on the fuselage page of my web site.

Hope this helps.
Thanks all. Drilled, primed, and painted. Now working on the flap actuator. Tough drilling that little hole without having the drill slip and drill the side of one's finger....I've noticed. :D
Question. In looking at various Web pages while researching the floor cover, I notice lots of Andair fuel valves,and, as Bill noted on his site, recommendations that everyone should use one.

Why? Why is it an improvement over what Van's supplies?

apparently, better quality.

but you can't ignore the looks too :) that steam valve Vans is sending is one ugly duckling...

I still say, they should increase fuse kit cost by 100-150 and make that andair valve standard issue.. there are only maybe a few places where this kind of "improvement" could be done...
I'm just looking for places to save money. When you say "better quality," is there a quality issue with Van's?

I can see where it might look better. OTOH -- and this is just me -- there's only two seats in the plane and I'm one of 'em and I'm willing to overlook the occasional ugly valve if it helps frees up a few bucks for something in the panel, for instance, (AOA?) that might make it safer.

I pulled out the Van's valve this morning and, yeah, it has a certain backyard water-faucet-type look to it, but does it work? Is it reliable? Dunno.
Bob Collins said:
Why? Why is it an improvement over what Van's supplies?

Originally I was not going to install the Andair fuel valve, too expensive. Radomir tried his best to talk me into spending the extra cash but I wasn't buying it.

It wasn't until I met a guy who was on his 2nd RV and out of the blue he asked me about which fuel valve I was going to install. It turns out that he used the Van's valve on his RV-6 and it lasted 100 hours +/- before it stopped working. He replaced it with a second valve and it lasted around 100 hours as well. Then he decided to switch to the Andair valve, figuring a working a fuel valve was a good thing to have in an airplane. He mentioned that he had to re-plumb his aircraft since the valves aren't interchangeable. When he built his -9A he started with an Andair valve and suggested I do the same. That was enough for me, I ordered the Andair the following Monday.

On the plus side of the Andiar valve is the positive positions and the need to lift the pin to turn it off. The Van's valve can be turned in circles until your hand gets tired.

Internally the Aindair looks to be made of brass and the Van's valve has a plastic ball on the inside.

Your call. After looking over the two valves, I think it is money well spent.
Well, I guess you convinced me, Bill. Shoot, now I have to take something out of my planned panel. :( .

Now the other thing I've noticed when I visit Web sites is people say stuff like, "I FINALLY got my fuel valve...." Is there quite a delay from order/delivery?
Safe and reliable

Bob Collins said:
I pulled out the Van's valve this morning and, yeah, it has a certain backyard water-faucet-type look to it, but does it work? Is it reliable? Dunno.

Yes, and yes!

Van's valve is simple and cheap. Don't like the handle, then machine up your own custom "pretty" one. The valve itself works absolutely fine. It is SAFE and RELIABLE in my opinion and experience. Imho, put the extra $$$ into 100LL or toward more HP or a constant-speed prop!

)_( Dan
RV-7 N714D
Bob Collins said:
Well, I guess you convinced me, Bill. Shoot, now I have to take something out of my planned panel. :( .

Now the other thing I've noticed when I visit Web sites is people say stuff like, "I FINALLY got my fuel valve...." Is there quite a delay from order/delivery?

Check this thread for lead times.

Also note Dan's comments above. I am only passing along what one builder told me regarding reliability of the Van's valve. Perform a forum search and you will find others who have had valves that failed in the same manor as was described to me.

As for taking something out of the panel, get some time in a J-3 Cub and you will find out what you really do and don't need. :D

Look at this way, it will make fabricating your panel easier.
I used VAN's valve in my RV6 and over a 900 hr period I had to replace the O ring in it one time. That was at about 600 hrs or so over about 4 years.
I looked at the Andair valve also and decided I had better things to spend the $$ on. If the VAN's valve is installed correctly and placarded properly, I figure most pilots can keep track of which tank they are on.
If it does break, you can buy several replacements before you approach the cost of the Andair.
I'm not knocking the Andair, but just saying that the plain old valve that VAN's sells works just fine and has been reliable over time for me. I'm building an RV8 now and the VAN's valve is already installed.
N941WR said:
I am only passing along what one builder told me regarding reliability of the Van's valve. Perform a forum search and you will find others who have had valves that failed in the same manor as was described to me.

From what I've read, there were problems with the earlier selector valves. Current valves are using a newer/improved design.

If I could have bought the Andair valve I wanted without waiting 2 months, I would have. But I'm happy to stick with the stock one. As Dan said, I can always machine a new handle if I want. I have a feeling I'll never even notice the valve handle. My eyes will be on the cool panel and looking out at the awesome view.