
Well Known Member
Good evening everyone,
I have started on trimming my cowling to fit and was wondering...I saw somewhere that I can trim the flanges on the lower cowling so that the top fits better, however I can't find it anymore. Does anyone know of the drawing that shows the hatched lines showing the allowed trims of the lower cowling at the prop circle?

thanks in advanced

Good evening everyone,
I have started on trimming my cowling to fit and was wondering...I saw somewhere that I can trim the flanges on the lower cowling so that the top fits better, however I can't find it anymore. Does anyone know of the drawing that shows the hatched lines showing the allowed trims of the lower cowling at the prop circle?

thanks in advanced

I wrote a three part article about cowl fitting. Check my blog for links.
If I may, the EZ Cowl Jig is right up there with sliced bread.
Here's the link to EZCowl a David Howe idea, that Larry mentioned above.

Flyboy Accessories sells, or rents, a more sophisticated version of this idea, designed by me, independently, though I want to give David lots of credit for the many ideas he's shared with us. He's a wealth of great ideas.

Flyboy Accessories Cowling Installation Tool

Blake's cowling tool is a great item for individuals, or EAA chapters to own. No need to fabricate anything, and you can simply rent it if you like.

Build on!!
EZ Cowl

I wrote a three part article about cowl fitting. Check my blog for links.
If I may, the EZ Cowl Jig is right up there with sliced bread.

I should have said I wrote the articles, but David Howe was collaborative on Part 1. I could not have written it without his assistance. The goal was to write the instructions in the article such that any builder could fabricate his jig with tools and materials on hand or easily available. The secondary goal was builders would pay them forward to the next builder. I built another one from PVC, similar to his original design, for the article using our instructions. David built several as well from plywood.
I may have one left. If I can find it, it's free to any builder with the stipulation it is paid forward to another builder later.
I cleaned my shop so, I hope I can find it! It may be at the hangar. :D
If I may, the EZ Cowl Jig is right up there with sliced bread.
Larry is so right. The EzCowl jig fits right up there with sliced bread. I’m taking a break to gather my nerve and trim the tale end of the cowl off.


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3.5 hours later, upper cowl cut, fitted, drill matched for Skybolts, and 2 layers of carbon fiber glassed on.

Time for a celebratory libation and stoogie.


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Great job Webb.
You are going to love the Sky Bolts. Just an FYI. You can modify the non floater style into floaters by disassembling the inside portion and then dremel with a sanding drum the brass section radius. If you look at a floater style you will see that is the only difference.
Moot point if you have all floaters.

I like how you did the solid side pieces as well. I used the scallops that Nate provided and they can get caught up on the cowling.

Also when adjusting the depth, spray a little lube onto the threads as they can bind when turning with a screw driver.

Looking good.

Final note: If you reverse the two big plates for your alignment tool, the etched line that you see in the picture is the 13" cowling line. Easier to tell if you are centered.
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Thanks for the tips Arnie. I think mine are the floaters but I will use the lube tip and reverse the plates before doing the bottom cowl today.
In the near future I am going to need a cowl jig for my 7. If anyone has one laying around I would be interested in it. Thanks