
I'm New Here
Well I have a new guy question: has anyone seen the HS-609PP reinforcement bars lay in the HS-603PP rear spar with little to no radiusing to accommodate the bend in the spar flange?

I?ve just started working on my horizontal stab and have run some scotchbrite over the -609 parts to get the tooling marks out and give it the satin finish the plans call for. I?ve also broken the edges and radiused the ends to knock down the corners but it seems my -609s will lay flat against the spar without any shaping done to accommodate the spar flange. I have them currently cleco?d together with a cleco in every third or fourth hole and they seem to lay flat with no major effort needed to cleco the assembly (other than the hole still being undersized since I haven?t drilled anything yet).

I?m fully adhearing to the adage ?I don?t know what I don?t know,? but it seems to read to me as an as needed step to achieve a flat mating while maintaining hole alignment. Is there something really obvious I overlooked?
Mine didnt need anything extra beyond the edge rounding per the construction manual. Just look closely at the area at the center where the bars are the widest. As long as the bars are not digging into the bend radius in the spar channel your good to go.
Great, that?s kinda where I was focusing as that area would pose the most potential for interference with the flange. It seems on mine the edges of the -609s sit just before the start of the bend for the flange.

Thanks for the input, much appreciated
Yeah don?t be too worried when you come across things like this. There are many places where Vans hasn?t updated the instructions and drawings even though they may have improved the supplied parts. The VS in particular calls out for cutting lightening holes in the doubler, but the supplied doublers already have them cut out. You?ll find quite a few irregularities as time goes on.