mike newall

Well Known Member
Getting round to fitting the interior and am wondering just how you can fit the upper rear panel - RV12-B1.

Any suggestions as to how to manipulate it behind the tank and vent lines as I seem to be having a struggle and don't want to mark the panel.
Hello Mike
I struggle as well getting the upholstered panel in place when the fuel tank is installed. There probably is no easy way, I just bend it as necessary and work it in behind the tank and then the edges. It takes quite a lot of bending and the edges get scraped against the roll bar support and miscellaneous rivets. I have had mine in and out now many times. It still looks good but has quite a few marks on the edges if someone were to look closely at it.
Back Panel RV12-B1

Hi Mike, I had the same experience as Tony. My first install was really a struggle and I almost gave up. Then I continued bending the piece and finally, it just snapped in and fits great. I didn't use any of the screws or caps that it came with, the friction tight fit has been great. Here are a few pics....



I thank you muchly, however....

Will probably now leave it to the new owner :D

We have decided not to fit the interior as the exterior is un painted and would probably get compromised......

i.e. we can't be ars*d....


Appalling I know.... I sleep at night though ;)