I recently tried to fit the control column (WD-807) in my RV-8 QB fuselage. Working from either forward or aft first, I hit various fuselage parts that prevent it from being positioned to go all the way through the wing spar. Is there a trick or is it just a matter of keeping at it until hitting the right sequence of angles?


Mark Schmitz
RV-8 QB Fuselage
Its like a puzzle (invented by a Dutch guy!), keep at it. :) I put mine through from the front since you have more room. Slowly turn and lift/lower forward end the to get all the parts sticking out through. You may have to work it side to side as well to get each corner through. It does go through, it just takes a little bit of time. There may be other, easier ways; but that's how I did mine.
Harold's got it right. It will fit from the front if you get just the right sequence of movements.

Actually as I recall it I got mine through from the rear but also had some trouble. I think I've also put it in from the front. You just need to get the angle right. i think mine catches just a fraction but it doesn't rquire much force to encourage it through. Keep trying and it will eventually go through an an angle that you'll probably discover by accident rather than through any particular genius!

Ken Stanton