
Well Known Member
First draft of my panel with daul 10" Garmin touch with a center stack for radios. The 10" screens leave very little room for switches under it. I was hoping to use Carling switches, but they won't fit. As I see it, I have 3 choices:
1. Use 7" touch
2. Use regular toggle switches (probably easiest option)
3. Extend the panel lower (will this cause stick clearance issues)

Anybody else run into this problem? What did you do? Any pics?


I have a dual G3X non touch in my 9A. This required dropping the bottom of the panel a little. Ended up cutting the sticks down a bit. Don't think a shorter stick causes any problems. One question are you building a tip up? My slider doesn't allow for a radio box in the center of the panel. The center brace interferes.
This thread may be of some help.


You will also find several examples in the "show us your panel" thread ... including this one ...

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