Doug Eves

Well Known Member
In reviewing the NOTAM I'm left with a question that doesn't seem to be adressed. There are two stream's of traffic at 1800'/90kt and 2300'/135kt navagating the same route inbound. I'm trying to visulize at some point the higher and faster stream decending into the lower and slower stream. Is this what happens or do they land the top stream long and keep them separated or??? I flew once before years ago as a passenger but never noticed this. It would seem that the preferable entrance would be the higher/faster one?
Fisk arrival

You are spaced by the radio call at Fisk by controllers on ground below you, also pay attention if they are running VFR departures out 27 there are many times the departing pilots are not vigiliant enough on altitude controll.
arrival altitude

I'm leaving in the am and I have spent a boat load of time trying to figure out that very thing. I'll be in an EZE so obviously it looks like I'll approach Ripon from the South at 3000'. Then descend to 2300 feet at 135kts. Then at Fisk descend to 1800 feet and don't hit the guy in front of me or below me.

For the voice recorder, "It doesn't look good to me."
In reviewing the NOTAM I'm left with a question that doesn't seem to be adressed. There are two stream's of traffic at 1800'/90kt and 2300'/135kt navagating the same route inbound. I'm trying to visulize at some point the higher and faster stream decending into the lower and slower stream. Is this what happens or do they land the top stream long and keep them separated or??? I flew once before years ago as a passenger but never noticed this. It would seem that the preferable entrance would be the higher/faster one?

This is what the controllers do.

Make sure you know the NOTAM absolutely cold, so you know what the pattern is going to be.

The controllers will identify you ("Blue RV, rock your wings") and when you respond they will give you instructions ("Turn left base for 36 L now, follow the cherokee in front of you, land on the orange dot.")

Don't talk on the radio, it just gums things up. Watch for other people that aren't paying attention.

Most important, remember to fly the airplane. A couple of people seem to forget this most years.

If you've never been before, try to find one of the live audio streams on the internet and listen--I think it will be a big help.
I'll be in an EZE so obviously it looks like I'll approach Ripon from the South at 3000'. Then descend to 2300 feet at 135kts. Then at Fisk descend to 1800 feet and don't hit the guy in front of me or below me.

Please read the NOTAM again. Arrival altitude at Ripon is 1,800' or 2,300' not 3,000'. Maintain that altitude until the controller tell you to descend. Do not proceed past Fisk without positive contact with the controllers. If contact is not made return to Ripon and start over maintaining your altitude. Your decent will be accomplished safely by the controllers.
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It would seem that the preferable entrance would be the higher/faster one?
If you cannot maintain 90 knts (103MPH)@ 1,800' then go to 2,300' @ 135knts (155MPH). The lower alt is preferred by the controllers to avoid problems. Read the NOTAM, page #6, paragraph #4. "If unable to maintain 90 knts, maintain 135knts." If you are able to fly safely at 90knts do it.

This is not a race, it is not a competition, it is not a "My plane can go faster than your plane." game. This is an orderly way to get a lot of airplanes into one field safely. Flying over traffic cause you can is no excuse for not following the rules. They are there to keep you and me safe. Please read the NOTAM and comply with the instructions.

There are fewer planes at the higher alt. Most planes can safely fly at 103 MPH.

Fly the airplane safely.
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What I was thinking when I said the higher/faster stream of traffic may be preferable,was that there wouldn't be any Cub's,Champs, etc. (that wouldn't be doing 90kt) to follow. Also, there might be less traffic in the 135kt crowd. Both items would probably enhance safety. P.S. Page 6 , paragraph one says if you are "approaching" ripon north bound to do so at either 2000' or 3000'