
Active Member
Hey folks,
I've been reading a heck of a lot more than I've been writing because sadly I have nothing to contribute at the moment, haha. With that said, I have to ask yet another favor from the community - Is there anybody in the Central Florida area who would be willing to let me see their aircraft in person? I've read about all I think I can and now I'd really like to see a 9/9A and a 10 in person just to get a better feel for them.

Thanks for any direction here!


PS, cross-posting this in the other model specific forum too.
Hey Tim nice to have you here! There is a lot of fine RVs near you and I am sure they will respond. If not, I will be in your woods in couple weeks and would gladly give you a ride in one of the simplest RV9A ever built. Not a show plane though :)