Flying Canuck

Well Known Member
So, tomorrow is the first anniversary of my first flight. I surprised myself when I looked at the numbers, 137 hours hobbs, 112 hours air time, 95 flights with 170 landings at 36 airports. Apart from a bit of pilot and/or builder initiated misadventure, my 9A has been a great way to spend the last year. Sure, it could use a few extra knots of drag cleanup, my wheel pants will never be perfect and I won't be winning awards -- but I'm flying all over North America in something I built in my garage! That doesn't get old!

Year one visits (# airports landed at) -
Canada - Alberta(11), Saskatchewan(3), Manitoba(1), Ontario(2), New Brunswick(1), Prince Edward Island(1)
US - Montana(2), Wyoming, Colorado(1), Nebraska, South Dakota(1), North Dakota(3), Wisconsin(1), Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota(1), Illinois, Indiana(1), Ohio(2), Pennsylvania, New York(1), Vermont(1), New Hampshire, Maine(3)

What amazing machines these are.
you are adding some time and places.

they are amazing. for the first year or so after a trip I would stare at the machine and think, Wow!

you know, there is a phase to this building and flying thing and everyone is in a different position at this date.

Phase 1 - how do I read this drawing, what is this part, how does it assemble
Phase 2 - I know what this part should be, now I get to do it again to be correct
Phase 3 - now I am pushing to get it done, but I needs to be correct so I slow down
Phase 4 - first flight and 40 hrs, work out the squawks
Phase 5 - now I get to go somewhere, what do I need to pack, where to go?
Phase 6 - 200 hrs, work out the remaining items and fine tune
Phase 7 - 500 hrs, feeling confident, but learn not to push to far
Phase 8 - 1000 hrs, the beginning of the killing zone, according to Vlad
Year one visits (# airports landed at) -
Canada - Alberta(11), Saskatchewan(3), Manitoba(1), Ontario(2), New Brunswick(1), Prince Edward Island(1)
US - Montana(2), Wyoming, Colorado(1), Nebraska, South Dakota(1), North Dakota(3), Wisconsin(1), Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota(1), Illinois, Indiana(1), Ohio(2), Pennsylvania, New York(1), Vermont(1), New Hampshire, Maine(3)

What amazing machines these are.

That's an impressive list for first year Claude! I am wondering what would you do on your fifth year of flying if you keep the pace. :D

That's an impressive list for first year Claude! I am wondering what would you do on your fifth year of flying if you keep the pace. :D

Looks inviting... in absolutely no way whatsoever. Spectacular, without question.

Vlad, I don't think I will ever come close to your epic wanderings. Certainly would like to do more though. I might have one more big trip in me this year - no idea where yet.