
Well Known Member
Just took my 1st x-country flight. 3 hours each way, and had to add oil (was half way down stick). Plane has 14 hours on it....seems excessive to me. Anyone else experiencing same....
The Rotax 912's oil level as measured at the dip stick seems to vary quite a bit -- the measured oil level is dependent upon several factors (e.g., oil temperature, manner of burping, time elapsed, etc.). Before you get too concerned about your overall oil consumption, operate the engine for many hours and see how the consumption averages out. Also, the 912s are known as tight/leak-free engines -- IMHO, you should have absolutely no external oil leakage. You might see a trace of oil misting on the belly over time -- usually from the oil tank breather and/or fuel pump bearing vent.
high oil pressure and venting oil


Is your 912 still using or expelling oil? Did you find a solution?

Mine is sending oil out the vent tube during long cross country flights. The last flight (6 hrs) I lost about a cup of oil on the belly of my 12. The oil level ended about 3/8" below the flat on my stick. I have a little over 30 hrs on my machine. I told my Rotax certified A&P about the oil during my 25 hour oil change and was told it would find its own level and filling to the flat might be too much oil. I am concerned about the level being too low on the stick and yes I burp it a couple of times prior to checking. The oil pressure at 5200 to 5500 RPM is in the yellow at 73 psi. Is this a concern or a cause?
My engine has about 506 hrs on it. In a 50 hr interval between oil changes I usually have to add about 1/2 to 3/4 of a coffee cup of oil at about the 30 hr point to end the 50 hrs with what I started with. In the first 300 hours I never had to add anything.
My CT with the 912 has about 475 TT and has never had a noticeable use of oil. A light mist on the belly over time is common.

Don't overfill. Burp and check oil the next day after the plane has been sitting overnight, preferably in your hangar.

A healthy 912 does not have a very noticeable oil consumption.
My CT with the 912 has about 475 TT and has never had a noticeable use of oil. A light mist on the belly over time is common.

Don't overfill. Burp and check oil the next day after the plane has been sitting overnight, preferably in your hangar.

A healthy 912 does not have a very noticeable oil consumption.

I don't think I am consuming any oil. It seem to be blowing out the vent tube. Plugs look good. I have performed the oil check after burping with a warm engine and a day later after re-burping the engine. When the level is low it checks low using every method mentioned on this site.

Is an oil pressure of 73 psi acceptable for 5500 RPM?
Just took my 1st x-country flight. 3 hours each way, and had to add oil (was half way down stick). Plane has 14 hours on it....seems excessive to me. Anyone else experiencing same....

Since this initial need to add oil everything has seemed to have settled down. Will be putting longer x-country time on soon.....if I can get my girl back from the paint shop (has been there for the past two months)....