
Well Known Member
Been quit a first week. Started out with taking the fuse out to the hangar, via flat bed tow truck. Than I installed the wings and set the rear spar and drilled holes for the tank supports and root wing to fuse. I removed the wings, cleaned up the holes and than reinstalled wings. Intalling the bolts were a non issue, even though it's a nose wheel plane. I didn't freeze the bolts, just lubed them with oil and pounded them in with my 3lb dead blow hammer. Again non event, I did have pilot bolts from 7/16 bolts. After installing the wings, I installed the fuel lines and vent lines.

I put my attentions to the engine after all that and went and got some fuel and put fuel in the right tank. I have a purge valve and it empties into the left tank. I than turned on the fuel, injection, and looked for leaks. First leak at the fitting at the front of the fuel pump, ok, tightened that fitting. Tried again, all ok, pulled the knob on the purge valve, again, leak at the return line under my seat, tightened fitting. No more leaks, ran fuel pump and let run into left tank with purge valve open for about 30 seconds. Turned everything off and checked everywhere, even checked all fittings, no leaks. I think I'm ready for start up. Called a friend of mine, also in charge of the DARS at my area to come over and look the plane over and help with first start up. He arrives, we pull the airplane out of the hangar. I get inside and do a check list start up. Tried to start, not wanting to start on the left mag. We make another attempt on the PlasmaIII, starts up and than kicks back. We check the wiring and 1 and 4 are wrong, switch the wires, get inside and try again. Starts right up on the PlasmaIII, sounds great, turn on the mag, runs great. Let it run for a couple minutes. Shut down, inspect everything, find one injector fitting loose at the injector, maybe one thread on. We tighten fitting, restart. RPM guage not working, find the ground is not hooked up, hook that up and fire the engine back up, everything working great. I have mufflers on this engine and the sound is great, I'm able to talk to the other person standing just out the airplane while it's running about 1000rpm+, nice and smooth and the noise is low. I think I'm going to love this airplane, well I know I am.
Been quit a first week. [snip] I think I'm going to love this airplane, well I know I am.
Congratulations, I am about a week behind you for first engine start. Seems like every day now is a major milestone of some type. This is going to be one great fraternity we are joining.
It seems like a bunch of us working on the last bits. I ran the engine again today, and started putting on my control surfaces. Maybe start taxi test this weekend with maybe a DAR for next week. Don't know. Sure is exciting.
I got a pic of the first run. Will be taking it to the FBO for a W&B and transponder check.

Hi Steve,
Check your private messages please. I sent one...hopefully I did it correctly. Sorry for the threadjack.
