
Paul, in my humble opinion, if you said that you paid a video professional several hundred or a thousand dollars to set the whole thing up and edit it. I would say you got value for money spent.

Steve Barnes "The Builders Coach"
Excellent. The editing really put things together. I think we, collectively, may be starting to get just a little under-impressed with the single view video that is becoming much easier to produce.
I just sent your video to a friend that is thinking of building a RV8. This should push him over the fence to commit. Good job. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the comments guys. I can't take credit for the editing, my pax does this kind of thing in his sleep. I only had
veto power as in "hey don't put that shot in there, looks like I got my finger up my nose". Heck the raw HD video files won't
even play on my old 'puter.

The only tricky part was attaching the camera to the tail tie down. To get the rudder bottom out of the shot and still have it
appear to be looking straight back I had to make a mount dropping the camera down about 3 inches. I wasn't worried about take
off but smacking it on the runway on landing so I sort of drove it on a bit.
With only 10,000 ft. of concrete to work with it was close.:rolleyes:

Glad you liked it and now If only Santa would slide one of these Drift cameras under the tree tonight...

Merry Christmas

Paul Danclovic
Jamestown NC
RV-8A N181SB
Very nice. I will need to add one of these to my project. Enjoyed so much I think I will go out and fly, then get back to the shop and dimple. Have a Very Merry Christmas everyone! :D
Glad you liked it and now If only Santa would slide one of these Drift cameras under the tree tonight...

Paul, looks great, dude. And nice hat, of course.

I feel like I saw that video out west somewhere. Maybe NBAA? Care to share?
Also, I'm pretty sure I saw my house, and I think the Mx hangar was open, so I'm going to claim that I was standing somewhere in there.

I'm famous in Paul's VAF video!

Not really.