Well Known Member
After plenty of delay thanks to pandemic lockdown restriction, the first RV-14 in the UK finally made its first flight early evening on 9 June.

Built by Bill Sweetnam in just under 20 months and 1,500 hours of work, the first flight was made by Light Aircraft Association designated pilot (and RV-8 builder) Steve Ayres.

Obligatory RV-grin?

Builder, Bill Sweetnam (centre) and test pilot Steve Ayres (right).

Five hours of flight testing, plus an independent LAA approval flight test are to follow.
Huge congratulations Bill :)

I'm building a 14 in Yorkshire ( slow Build ) and about a year off completion
Having built a 7 previously i know how long it takes once it looks like an aeroplane !

Hope everything went well with the LAA You will have certainly made the certification easier for others building 14's in the UK
Congrats!!! :D

Did I read this correctly: "Five hours of flight testing, plus an independent LAA approval flight test are to follow." as in you only need to perform five hours plus one test flight?

Yes, as long as you build an example that the LAA have approved (or like the -14, is in the process of approving), then it's a five hour test flight program. The independent test flight in this case is just because this RV-14 is the first of type to fly in the UK.