
Well Known Member
In a couple weeks I will be switching flight schools and leaving behind the Cessna 162 and flying a new RV-12 SLSA. I printed out a copy of the POH and will be printing out the Skyview manual as well.

Looking for advice on flying the RV-12. Do's and Don't?
The RV-12 will float down the runway if airspeed is not controlled on final approach. If the RV-12 that you fly is equipped with AOA, use that instead of airspeed.
Get the nose wheel off the pavement early in the takeoff roll. Leaving it down can cause wheelbarrowing and make directional control harder.
Practice in the mirror to get the silly RV grin off your face or people will think something is wrong with you. The 12 is soooo much more fun and responsive than the 162 with way more room and better visibility. Seriously I agree with both comments. Nose up ASAP and then you can use only rudder for cross wind directional control rather than dragging a brake. Approach solo at 55 knots or you will float a couple of thousand feet. You can be as high as 60 if fully loaded.
In a couple weeks I will be switching flight schools and leaving behind the Cessna 162 and flying a new RV-12 SLSA. I printed out a copy of the POH and will be printing out the Skyview manual as well.

Looking for advice on flying the RV-12. Do's and Don't?

Note the comments by others given....but most of all, be very light on the control...this baby does not respond well to over controlling...much like flying a helicopter, think it, and your -12 will comply.

You will love it😎
DO....fly the airspeed with precision in the pattern and base to final

DO....have a light touch on the controls, especially the rudder.

DO...enjoy it!!

DO...watch your finger when operating the flap handle..it can give you a nip!

DON'T .....push the canopy forward too strongly once open

DON'T......pump fuel too hard if fueling yourself. It can lead to spilling on the canopy and cause caring/cracking on the canopy

DON'T....rotate the propeller the opposite direction it can cause engine damage

DON'T.....listen to critics who say it's a flimsy little toy...its a really wonderful little airplane!!:D
In addition to excellent tips posted previously...

*Always land on mains only. Hold nosewheel off with stick until it comes down naturally.

*Cinch up your belt and shoulder harness tightly. Wing loading is this bird is light and even light turbulence will have your head close to that expensive canopy if you aren't careful.

*When taxi-ing tap on the brakes and avoid over-controling. The Vans/Grumman-style nosewheel steering wears out brake pads really fast if your have heavy feet.

*Get your instructor to let you really wring it out as per PAP at altitude. Doing stalls in all configurations will give you great confidence.

*Because of its light weight, the takeoff performance solo versus two aboard is astounding. Be prepared for a fairly spectacular climb rate.

One more thing: if you are fast and high on approach go to idle and pull the nose up to get the speed under control before you worry about slipping for altitude.