
I'm happy to report our first short Cross-Country with 4 big guys aboard our "phase 1 complete" RV-10.

We ran our weight/balance the night before using our actual weights (no fat boy comments):

Pilot - 180
Co-Pilot - 220
Rear Seat Pass. - 230
Rear Seat Pass. - 210​

Full of fuel, the CG was AFT, but still within an inch of max aft CG limits. The only difference in take-off was a little more distance down the runway, other than that, the -10 performed incredible.

This short trip from West Palm Beach to Miami (FD38 to KTMB) was planned specifically to meet up with my Dad's long time friend and flight instructor who solo'd him back in the mid 1940's after the war. The flight down was a smooth and crystal clear morning as we maneuvered our way thru the various controlled airspace of Ft. Lauderdale and Miami International and this is where our BMA EFIS 1 really came in handy, providing all the chart info/altitudes to avoid, on screen with airport info and com frequencies as we approached our destination. Landing was like all others, but with a lot more back stick available with 4 people aboard. This plane should always be flown with some ballast in the back, either passengers or dead weight in the baggage compartment.

We arrived early, and Dad's old CFI and friend found us on the ramp. Paul drove up, got out of the car with a cain, partially crippled from a life-time of back trouble, and he immediately crawled up on the wing and wiggled his way into the co-pilot's seat and demanded an hour of dual with the pilot who flew us down to see him. They buckled in and took off for about a 45 min flight in and around the local airport area and Paul returned with an RV Grin. He flew most of the flight, including the approach and landing pattern, and the pilot took the stick at 100' above the runway on final. Wow, it took 3 of us to extract him from the front seat, and he said it was worth it to crawl in and fly an airplane that his student pilot from some 60 years ago, had continued his love of aviation all these years, had built such a great airplane.

We ate lunch at a local pub, and these old WWII era buddies told stories, some of them true and some far fetched, until us younger guys couldn't stand it any longer and we all returned to the airport for our departure.

Another take-off...this time on pavement, obviously a lot less distance than our grass field at Wellington, and we headed back for home, VFR DirectTo FD38, varying our flight path to avoid the aerobatic practice area that was shown on our EFIS 1 moving map display.

So, I am happy to report, even though there are others on this board who have reported their content and comfort about this amazing airplane, these RV-10 builders and especially my Dad, is overwhelmed with the satisfaction of being the proud owner/builder of the new Vans RV-10.

Brent Headberg (Son)
West Palm Beach, FL