Roberto RV-7

Well Known Member




I had the honor of meeting this gentleman at Oshkosh. We had a very nice conversation and in the "small world" category we had a couple of common acquaintances in Argentina.

He presented me with a copy of the magazine where his plane was featured and had him sign it.

RV's an International language.

Hey Roberto, did you get the JD airparts stuff installed on the 7?
Beautiful plane!


I had the honor of meeting this gentleman at Oshkosh. We had a very nice conversation and in the "small world" category we had a couple of common acquaintances in Argentina.

He presented me with a copy of the magazine where his plane was featured and had him sign it.

RV's an International language.

Hey Roberto, did you get the JD airparts stuff installed on the 7?

The honor was mine, and it?s true, the word is really small!
I don?t install de parts yet, I have to fill out the fuel of the tanks.
I only say few words because my english is not good and I write a little worse :) (my wife help me, like now)
It was very fun, I wish that we could fly so professional like in USA when all the RVs fly together.
This site allow us to make short the distances. Thank you Doug!
I only say few words because my english is not good and I write a little worse
Hi Roberto!

Your plane looks nice.

Don't worry about your English. I'm a German and my English sounds sometimes terrible.
The most important thing is: tell the whole world your story, your feeling, your impression.
Thats what count. And also the friendship through the flying community.

As we flew 2009-2010 through South America, it was fantastic. We met so many nice pilots all over. It was unbelievable. I will never miss any day.

The people offered us so much help as I installed my skis in General Rodriquez, near Buenos Aires, I didn't never expect.

Check out our website. There is also a trailer about our upcoming movie ON THE WINGS OF DREAMS.

I'm sure we will see you in Pergamino anytime.
