
N272DR an RV-3A was delivered yesterday! The ceiling was too low to go up and do slow flight and stalls. Waited until this morning. After finding the right combination of seat cushions all was ready! Since I had never flown an RV before, I approached it carefully. Got the run up done, called the tower and slowly, but not slow enough, applied the power! Away we went! Flying way before I was ready, airspeed 90 indicated the climb was well above 2K per minute! We have VFR 1500 ft. restrictions at TTD. Made that about midfield!! Had to back off on the power to stay under the departure restiction. Flew East up the Columbia, let it accerate to 120 and was at 8500 before Cascade Locks! What a delightful airplane, once you get ahead of it! Super control responce in all axis, you can fly with the trim! Stalls are abrupt with a little tendency to drop off to the left, but happen at 51 clean. About 55 dirty. (make that visa versa) Practiced slow flight and approach speeds in different configurations, then opened it up! Rpm at 2750 it goes right up to its redline at 215! The former owner said it would do 230! Flew down to Mulino (4S9) for the first landing. The RV is reluctant to slow down, but once you nail an airspeed and apply flaps its very easy to control. First landing was about as good a one as I have ever done! Perfect 3 point! The rest were not much to talk about, the plane is reusable! What a great airplane! Now I understand the "RV Grin" thing! I look like Jack Nicolson as the Joker! If you have one, keep it, if you don't build or buy one! Thanks for listening to the new guy!
Ed Hawkins
Troutdale Oregon
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