
Active Member
I had an excellent introduction to RV flying and utility thanks to VAF member
"Flying again!". I saw TJ's post on a Wednesday at 8PM and was wheels up with him for a 9 hour journey across our great country by Friday at 7 AM.

Wow the -10 is a cross country machine! We left 52F and made our way to Pueblo, CO. From there it was a long leg to American Falls, Idaho. The final portion of the journey was direct to Eugene, Oregon. The scenery was second to none courtesy of the the -10's visibility and afforded us beautiful shots of the Sisters mountains in Oregon. Pictures will be uploaded as soon as editing and hosting are figured out.

My thanks to Doug for the wonderful site that allowed me to meet TJ. Thanks go to TJ for the excellent flying and allowing me to spend 9+ hours picking his brain!

The flight was excellent motivation to finish my current project and get to work on the -8 Empenage that's in the hangar!

I look forward to many future RV related journeys.



You're Welcome!

You are welcome Steven!

I enjoyed having you along for the flight and glad you enjoyed the RV-10 experience. You beat me to it with a trip report. I will try to get my report out this week with more pics.

Other than going to "plan B" for weather in the Pueblo area, we had great weather (though strong head winds). Still is amazing to take off from the DFW area at 7 am and be in Eugene in time for Dinner even with a little delay and detour due to wx.