
Well Known Member
After a lot of practice on scrap pieces I dove in yesterday and squeezed my first real rivets. My wife is gonna get sick of me running around going "look what I made". The kit I bought had the wings started and am at the point in the instructions where the tanks are to be done. No way do I want those to be the first major thing I do on the kit so I'll probably rivet the leading edges first. These aileron brackets looked simple enough so here ya go.
Make a selfie David. It is looking too perfect and a DAR/FAA may not believe you :)

Congratulations. They look great and you've got a nice head start.

Welcome to the builder's club. I remember my first few pieces. Very exciting and rewarding .
Not so fast David
You don't get "official" builder status until you've:
Drilled that first hole in your finger
Ground a spot on your finger with the grinding wheel or belt sander
Squeezed your finger with the pneumatic rivet squeezer
Well during the practice airfoil I did cut my hand on some sharp skin edge and also thought I broke a rib with the pop riveter. I learned you don't hold the pop riveter next to your chest while riveting. When it snaps it hurts like crazy if you're holding next to your ribs. I even bled from that. Still have the scab. Obviously I can't wait for the hole in my finger!!
Congrats (on the build, not the scab) and keep it up. A little bit here, a little bit there and pretty soon you're talkin' real progress!
Well during the practice airfoil I did cut my hand on some sharp skin edge and also thought I broke a rib with the pop riveter. I learned you don't hold the pop riveter next to your chest while riveting. When it snaps it hurts like crazy if you're holding next to your ribs. I even bled from that. Still have the scab. Obviously I can't wait for the hole in my finger!!

I think your initiation is complete, David. Welcome to the best club on earth! I've been at this a long time and I still haven't drilled a hole in myself (knock on wood!) I wouldn't worry too much about your wife either. Just admit to her right up front that yes, you do have an obsession with an "aluminum mistress". But it's a harmless obsession, she'll always know where you are and what you're up to. And some day, the benefits will be there for her, too! Carry on and have fun! :)
Aaron, Did you get your car kit yet? That should help to ease the sadness!! Gotta say, I'm having a LOT of fun!!
Aaron, Did you get your car kit yet? That should help to ease the sadness!! Gotta say, I'm having a LOT of fun!!

Dave! Glad you are having a blast. That is exactly what it should be. Your work looks great by the way.
Yep, the car is ordered. It should be here by the first of April. I was out yesterday before a nasty blizzard hit and looked at a fine specimen of the Cobra world, needless to say, it got the juices flowing?


That will be one sweet ride. I had a BMW Z4 for a couple years and loved the top down experience.
Quick question...in the left wing leading edge there is an access hole. I don't see that hole on any of the plans nor are there instructions on what hardware to use for it. Any idea about that?
What size is the hole? If I recall correctly I opened up two access holes, both of which were intended to run electrical wiring in the wing. There is the larger 3/4 inch hole for the conduit and then I also put one in the leading edge just so I had options. Both of those holes are on the FAQ's page of Vans Aircraft. Go to FAQ's and look up wiring and you will see a separate plans page for places to put holes in the ribs. If that isn't the answer you're looking for or if I have the wrong hole...give me a buzz.