
Well Known Member
I read all the first mile stone post in the forums and the show the status of your kit... I have never been able to post in those threads unless you want to see another picture of an emp kit in the box. Today is finally the day. After spending a little time with Bob Avery at sun-n-fun and a little money, I now can begin my emp kit that I have had for a year or so....I remember the feeling I got when the emp kit showed up at the door. I was so excited to begin, and then LIFE set in. I did write something on the box when I got it.
I now realize that I must have ment the emp only. lol
So today is the day.

Going to the shop !!!!!!!!!

as Vlad told me, at least one thing on the plane a day even if it is reading the plans for the next step. I will try to do just that !
Great news and good luck!

May I suggest you start on the VS first? The first rivet you drive on the HS is very difficult to get to and is best driven after you have a little practice. Also, the VS is easier to build and will help you build up some confidence in yourself and your tools.
Enjoy the journey

Going to the shop !!!!!!!!!

as Vlad told me, at least one thing on the plane a day even if it is reading the plans for the next step. I will try to do just that !
Every journey starts with a first step. 6,161 builders before us took this same step and are now flying.

When I set my first rivet I signed the edge of my H jig with the date and a thank you to my wife. When I disassembled the jig, after my empennage and wings were complete, I cut out the piece; it now has a place of honour sitting on my book shelf. For me that day was August 31, 2001.

Enjoy the journey.
WE WANT PICTURE of THAT FIRST RIVET!!! With fingerprints! How will we know that YOU riveted that first rivet, not Ken or Jay Pratt. That first rivet will make a history for your boys.

Picture please and good luck,
back from the shop

I did it !!!!!!! well not on the emp... Vlad got me a practice kit from the sheet metal shop at sun-n-fun. So Against my better judgment I started on that. I am glad that I did. I got both skins debured and dimpled. and the two stiffners riveted to the skins. I got to play with the different rivet sets and decided which one I liked best. (also got to drill out a couple of rivets) don't tell no one I messed up a shop head or two...Thanks for the kit vlad. It also made me relize I need a couple more tools to dimple the two end ribs. Vise Grip with the 3/32 die's welded to them.....



first rivet

I will post a pic of the first rivet if I can find it. It has a hole in it, looks like a drill bit might have fell on it while it was turning. lol are building an airplane not a watch! It doesn't have to keep time, only fly! Building the Doll was an incredible life change adventure. You might find that building your RV will be the same. Good luck and have fun.

The practice kit looks like it's coming along real fine. I just completed mine. Be sure to read Sect 5H for step 7 on the trailing edge. Mine turned out a little wavey.:confused: BTW for all you guys that have finished the empenage, just how do you get the trailing edges to turn out straight?
Practice Kit Finished

Well here it is... Practice Kit is finished and I am happy that I did it. I thought about just begining on the Emp kit, but I'm really glad I decided against it. I learned a lot from this kit and also gained some much needed confidence. I would suggest that anyone starting a project like this, should complete the practice kit first. I also gained experience with the hand tools, and relized I didn't have all the tools I needed. (Thanks Avery Tools for your prompt service) I also relized some Luxury tools I will be buying in the near future. (Bob Avery is there a discount for multiple orders) I also had my first Oh Sh@#*t rivet. It wasn't that bad, I got over it. This also helped me relize that as much as I want my RV 8 to be perfect, it in my eyes will not be. Just like all the old cars and Hot Rods I have built in the past. Even the show winners and the Magazine Cover cars all had flaws. (don't tell enyone). well without further reading here it is, tell me what you think




Now I am headed out to the shop to start on the real thing....
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Not too bad!

I highly recommend you purchase a tungsun bucking bar. They make all the difference in the world and are worth the cost.

Also, set aside a few hundred a month for tools. Yep, that's what a I said, a few hundred a month. When one squeezer yoke is well over $100, it is easy to do. The good thing is that you have a lot of the required tools already from your auto work.

Don't forget that you will need to buy an aviation flaring tool when you get to the wings. Cars and planes use a different angle on their fuel and brake lines and you can't intermix them.

I still suggest you start on the VS and then come back to the HS as the VS is just easier to build.
This also helped me relize that as much as I want my RV 8 to be perfect, it in my eyes will not be. Just like all the old cars and Hot Rods I have built in the past. Even the show winners and the Magazine Cover cars all had flaws. (don't tell enyone).

This is one big thing I keep trying to tell myself as I build. I will work on some parts, stare and them and the plans for an hour, go online and look at builder sites and look at pictures for an hour, and go back out to the shop and stare and ponder on the parts and plans for another hour. If I try to build the 'perfect' airplane, I won't ever have an airplane! I tell myself, just build the thing!

Good luck!