
Well Known Member
No Smoke! ...but loud high pitch whine in headset.
I searched both VAF and Dynon blogs and tried most of the ideas.
Hear is a summary of the test.

1) remove Fuel Pump fuse
2) turn on master
Skyview powers up automatically....running on battery. No other source of power connected.
3) turn on avionics switch (all other switches off)
4) turn on radio...high pitch squeal begins. Reminds me of "Deliverance." The sound has a rhythmic or cyclical pattern heard over and over.
5) whine is not affected by radio volume.
6) neither is it affected by the radio squelch. Nothing i do on the radio changes the whine...push PTT...change frequencies...push menu...etc.
7) Power off Skyview...whine volume increase somewhat.
8) Pulled each fuse one at a time. Noting affected the noise until I pulled the Audio fuse. Whine stopped. Radio stayed on. Ran squelch up to max and static was loud. Ran squelch back to normal.

Replaced Audio fuse....whine STILL OFF....WEIRD!
turned radio off and moved headset to co-pilot side.
Radio on.....whine again.
Removed Audio fuse....whine stopped.....replaced fuse whine still off.
Avionics switch off...and back on...whine again.

Unplugged the molex connectors to both co-pilot and pilot side jacks. Checked for continuity. No continuity between nut and ground. Re-plugged both molex connectors...just for kicks check continuity again. Had continuity. Assume that is the way it should be???

The two ground connections from the jacks to the ribs are tight.
Other Suggestions?
Mine did this too.

Dynon can supply you with filters that stop this noise, the filters plug into the D-Sub connectors.

I don't know if this is the same thing….I recently picked up a new SLSA. Vans told me that the test pilots had reported a squealing noise on power up as the avionics switch came on. If I put my headset on before engine start I'd probably hear it.
They told me that after investigation it was a nuisance problem in a Vans designed module for the Skyview. They couldn't figure out the cause other than the faulty module.
When I picked up the plane they had no more good ones to swap it out and that they had them made in a batch which would be delivered in a few weeks (which would be about now).

So far, for me, I do hear it, and once the engine is started I don't.

Again, don't know if this is what you're referring to?
Battery charge

Didn't someone point out recently that a low battery charge lead to this sound and that it went away after battery was fully charged?
Fingers crossed this is the problem

Brent, are you referring to the main aircraft battery or the SV backup battery? Main battery is fully charged....I'll go check the backup now and repsond.
Neighbor's '12 had a similar issue along with the intercom not working well and not being able to hear radio tansmissions. Solution was simple, switch his headset setting from mono to stereo. Worked for him, may help you.
There are multiple issues that could cause a squeal in the headsets on an RV-12. Just one of them is use of a mono headset or a stereo headset set to mono mode (as described in the Flightcom 403 manual).

Having said that, there is an issue that was just discovered with some of the most recent production batches of AV-50000A Control Modules that can cause this problem when the buss voltage is below the nominal value that exists when the engine is running (battery being charged). Because of the post production testing process used, the problem was not detected.

Control Modules effected are serial #'s 00264 and higher. If you have this type of problem and have a Control Module with a serial # that is higher than 00263, contact someone in Technical Support at Van's for assistance.
There are multiple issues that could cause a squeal in the headsets on an RV-12. Just one of them is use of a mono headset or a stereo headset set to mono mode (as described in the Flightcom 403 manual).

Having said that, there is an issue that was just discovered with some of the most recent production batches of AV-50000A Control Modules that can cause this problem when the buss voltage is below the nominal value that exists when the engine is running (battery being charged). Because of the post production testing process used, the problem was not detected.

Control Modules effected are serial #'s 00264 and higher. If you have this type of problem and have a Control Module with a serial # that is higher than 00263, contact someone in Technical Support at Van's for assistance.

I think this is what Vans told me was the problem with some of the last batch of modules. They were sometimes able to swap a bad one out?until they ran out.
They're waiting for the new ones to come in in a week or so.
Serial number search

Scott, (or anyone) can you confirm that the serial number is on the bottom of the module....where I cannot see it without removing it first.
The serial # is on the white label on the bottom of the box (unfortunately).

Effected serial numbers will have been part of avionics kits delivered since approximately March/April of this year.

Yep, my serial number is 00289.
I will call support. Thanks everyone for your help.
I hope this is the problem.
There are multiple issues that could cause a squeal in the headsets on an RV-12. Just one of them is use of a mono headset or a stereo headset set to mono mode (as described in the Flightcom 403 manual).
I would like to hear more about this. Until recently, I had two DC 13.4 monos plugged in and working fine. I recently bought a pair of DC 10X ANR, which are stereo. With the 10X plugged in, either set to stereo or mono, I get a horrendous feedback squeal in the 13.4s unless I turn the intercom volume down to a nearly useless level.

The Flightcom installation guide shows the installation of a Mono/Stereo switch to allow the use of both mono and stereo headsets - is the installation of this switch possible post-build? Failing that, is there another solution to allow the use of what are extremely common headsets?
I think the audio potentiometers in the AV5000 are nothing but trouble and one more adjustment nightmare. My plan (next annual, April 2015) is to make them all fully open and adjust things using the radio, Skyview, and Intercom.

The stereo headset wiring also seems flaky on the headset plugs. Got some strange readings on that but did not have time to,pursue it. If worse comes to worse, I may consider pulling all audio wires out of the AV5000 system and wiring that part like a conventional plane.
I thought I remembered reading here (somewhere) about needing to use shielded cable on the jacks, but darn if I can find it.

Radio Squeal

My control module fell within the serial numbers stated above so I returned my module to Vans for repair. It was "repaired" and returned to me last week and I installed it over the week end. Now there is a very loud squeal...much louder than before. With the Bose head set volume on the lowest setting it is loud. It is unbearable to raise the headset vol to max. The squeal is not affected by squelch, radio volume, PPT, moving to co-pilot location or cranking the engine. Skyview indicated Battery volts were 12.2. Checking the aircraft battery with digital meter indicated 13.4 volts. See original post in this thread. I did not check back up battery. What should I try next?
Radio Squeal update

I left a trickle charge on the battery over night.
The squeal is gone. Hallelujah!

Upon fast taxi-ing, I get a verbal: caution....caution.
Any idea what the caution is warning me about?