
Hi one and all, I have just taken the plunge and purchased a RV8 QB kit. Very excited as I am sure you all were. Have been reading as much as I can on this forum to get up to speed on what to expect and can see theres not much that you guys and girls have come accross that is any problem. Looking forward to getting the kit in a bout three weeks all things going to plan. I am based in Queensland Australia about 2 hrs West of Brisbane in an area called the Darling Downs. Beautiful country with roling hills and plenty of flat land in between. Quite a lot of aircraft activity in this general area and quite a few RVs. Anyway I guess I will be on here sooner or later with questions....till then, cheers

Hi Mike,
Thanks for the welcome. I am looking forward to the ride and eventually the flying. I have wanted to do something like this for years and at last!
Some great info on here so I am confident of a good outcome.
Welcome fellow Oz RV-8 builder

Well done with the selection of the RV-8 Geoff. I too am starting an RV-8 build here at the Glasshouse Mountains near the Sunny Coast. So far am undecided about quick or snail build for my wing kit. Still sorting out my workshop but not too long before I am banging rivets. There are quite a few 8's about in our area and heaps of free advice from some very good people in SE Qld. As we will be at similar stages, especially in the early days of our building we should bounce questions and ideas off one another as we go. I figure we are 2 and a bit hours apart by car and about 20min in my mates RV-10 so we should plan a visit when we are both up and running with the building.
Cheers, Gerry.
The Eagle has landed

The RV8 is safely in my garage and my lovely partner and I are itching to get building. Watch this space!!!

RV building can be very addictive! Started my -8 about 2 years ago and am having loads of fun--some frustration along the way, but overall it's a blast. Have fun with build--there is tons of info on this board. I'm willing to bet there would only be a fraction of RV's flying without the support of this forum. Enjoy the journey!

RV-8 in progress
We begin

Set up the wing stands today. Started sorting all the bits and much stuff!!! Every time we open a box there is something else we didn't know we had. Very tempted to tackle the canopy straight up if it warms up enough. We've been studying all the relavant sights and we feel confident that we can get it done without any dramas.
Christmas holidays meant for RV8 building

I love Christmas holidays!! Hope you all had a great christmas and got lots of neat toys....oops things that are useful for your RV8 etc. Gaynor and I have been building with a vengence. Got the tail feathers done and trial fitted to the fuse. All alignments are spot on so everything is drilled off and ready to prime. Looks like an aeroplane now...and less room in the garage. Gaynor is learning rapidly and does very noce work so thats a great help and she is enjoying it sitting in front of a computer....and you see something for your effort. No we haven't tackled the canopy yet because its been unseasonably cold this christmas. May need to put the heater on in the garage to get some temperature happening before we go cutting plastic....anyway plenty of time yet. Tomorrow we will tackle fuse fit-out. Looks like there are a squillion little do dads to make up in there....besides no seats in there yet so we can't sit in the cockpit and make aeroplane noises yet....this will change!!!!!
Geoff and Gaynor
Merry Christmas There is likely more help on this site than you will find elsewhere. Sounds like you are making progress already. Good job. Welcome.