
I'm New Here
Is it bad when my first post is asking for something? I figure posting on the RV-8/8a section would be the best place for this. Last week I finally decided that I wanted to build an RV-8 and order the Preview Plans Set. I?ve looked at a lot of different kits over the past year an eliminated all the others for one reason or another as they just didn?t measure up to my vision of what I wanted in an airplane.

Looking at a number RV?s I decided that I wanted one. The only thing is I have picked out the RV-8, the one that I have not seen yet.

Getting to what I want, I hope there is a RV-8 owner that is reasonably close to Savannah, Tennessee that I can drive to and see their plane in person. I would like to see how I fit. I have seen a couple kits that say they fit a taller pilot. I couldn?t shoe horn myself into them. Van?s specs also show I will have the room to set in the cockpit, and if needed they have a Taller Pilot option that I can use. So I am not worried that I would have a problem to fit one way or the other.

The biggest thing is I have got the RV-8 on the brain and just really want to gaze upon one in all its glory.

Thanks Fdhxel, I'll check that to see what's there. Northern Alabama and Mississippi, or western Tennessee would work for me to go see a RV-8.
Welcome to VAF!!!!

Del, welcome aboard VAF:D

You are going to want to look at Dan Horton's plane.

He is in the Montgomery Al. area, I do not know the area well enough to tell you if it is in your stated search area, but wherever it is in relation to you, the trip will be worth it.

Here is his profile info, send him a PM.

Good to have you here at VAFland
Hi Del, Glad you made it!

If you search for tall option in the 8 forum you'll find a few threads with good information on this. I'm 6'6" 250lb. and tried on a few 8's before finding one built by a less vertically challenged pilot ;) The tall option will only relocate the top of the seat back making it more reclined, but doesn't help with leg and knee room.
Doug thanks for the links to the tall pilot threads. There was some good information. In comparing the measurements given, I am 6?5? and have a 34? inseam. That should allow enough clearance to fit in. I will order the tall pilot option just to get the added comfort. My wife is 5?4? so she should not have any problem getting comfortable in the rear seat. If not it wouldn?t be long before she is asleep anyway.

Mike going to Montgomery to see Dan?s RV would be roughly a five hour drive. I?d have to talk the wife into a weekend getaway. Ten plus hours in one day would not make the happiest travel companion. That is unless it was to go see our granddaughter. That is the big selling point on getting the RV-8. It will cut driving time almost in half. She will want to and be able to make more trips by flying. It is an added benefit for me I get to fly there.

Gasman, with that comment I am guessing you are meaning that Dan?s is exceptional when it comes to the average RV-8. Looking at the best is always inspiring to set a mark to achieve. It can also be just a bad if mine didn?t measure up. I?ll have so get the wife on board for the trip and get a hold of Dan.

Oh forgot to mention, it Saturday and while I was typing this reply FedEx just dropped of my plans from Vans. It is just a little past 6:00 pm. Wow would not a guessed I?d get them tonight. Opened the box my hat on top, and a note the calendar is on back order. Looking at the pans, I am totally impressed with what I see at a glance. Time will tell.

Thanks to everyone for your replies.
Welcome to the -8 club

You picked a good airplane and an even better online community of folks to help you see it through.
Welcome and enjoy the journey!