
I would like to introduce myself to the forum. I have just been reading posts and getting info before I take on the project. Ordered my tools and just got my training projects, so I can't wait to start.

Welcome Trey! There is an RV9 builder in Dominican Republic - Waldo. Do you know him by any chance? Your country is very loyal to GA, I spoke to a state representative at last Oshkosh and she said there is no bureaucracy and no fees for private aircraft visiting the Republic for leisure. I plan to stop by there in my RV some day.
Welcome Trey! There is an RV9 builder in Dominican Republic - Waldo. Do you know him by any chance? Your country is very loyal to GA, I spoke to a state representative at last Oshkosh and she said there is no bureaucracy and no fees for private aircraft visiting the Republic for leisure. I plan to stop by there in my RV some day.

Hey Vlad, I forget that I had DR as my location. I spend time between DR and NYC. I was thinking of doing the RV 8 down in DR but I didn't want to deal with the logistic. I thought real hard on doing it in DR ,I have a hanger and friends for the assembly; which would be later. But I decided the first stages can be done at home in NYC lol. The general give me the okay so I'm good. I see you're also in NYC

Glad to see another builder. I am building a 8 also. Its a really great adventure. A lot of info on here and help to just ask. Happy building.

Hey Vlad, I forget that I had DR as my location. I spend time between DR and NYC. I was thinking of doing the RV 8 down in DR but I didn't want to deal with the logistic. I thought real hard on doing it in DR ,I have a hanger and friends for the assembly; which would be later. But I decided the first stages can be done at home in NYC lol. The general give me the okay so I'm good. I see you're also in NYC

Trey, I built the empennage in a small City studio. It was a good fun. Absolutely doable. After it was completed I thought airplane was at least 15% done :D Then project grew and I moved it across the Hudson where it was completed in couple years. Last year I was searching for hangars and the closest place I found was Princeton 39N. An hour+ drive but well worth it. Stop by Hangar B9, I just completed Phase 1 we may do the corridor. 9 is not a fighter like the 8 but flies nicely. I am on vacation now then back to UES.
Trey, I built the empennage in a small City studio. It was a good fun. Absolutely doable. After it was completed I thought airplane was at least 15% done :D Then project grew and I moved it across the Hudson where it was completed in couple years. Last year I was searching for hangars and the closest place I found was Princeton 39N. An hour+ drive but well worth it. Stop by Hangar B9, I just completed Phase 1 we may do the corridor. 9 is not a fighter like the 8 but flies nicely. I am on vacation now then back to UES.

Thank Vlad, I should start on my empennage by late Aug-Sep. I would love to to take a look at you progress.
